Results: 3887

Estrés durante el embarazo como factor de riesgo para el bajo peso del recién nacido
Stress during pregnancy as a risk factor for low weight in the newborn

Rev. cuba. med. mil; 49 (2), 2020
Introducción: El estrés en la gestación es un problema de salud mental que puede incrementar el riesgo de las complicaciones maternas y perinatales. Objetivo: Determinar si el estrés durante el embarazo es un factor de riesgo para el bajo peso en el recién nacido. Métodos: Estudio no experimental, ...

The Covid-19 pandemic in the world of work: Psychosocial effects for the working class

Estud. psicol. (Natal); 25 (2), 2020
Our objective in this essay is to analyze the psychosocial impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic in the worker's lives and in the organization of work in Brazil. From studies conducted in the Psychology of Work and Organizations field, we study the consequences the pandemic has been generating with the...

Psychological effects of social distance caused by COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic over the life cycle

Estud. psicol. (Natal); 25 (2), 2020
This study aimed to systematize information about the consequences of social distance along the different stages of the life cycle for people who were not infected by the virus, but who experience the indirect consequences of the pandemic. Through a narrative review, the results of recent research in dif...

Social distancing and environmental stressors in homes during times of COVID-19: an Environmental Psychology perspective

Estud. psicol. (Natal); 25 (2), 2020
The objective was to investigate the factors that generate stress in the residential environment of Brazilians during the social distancing measures that were established to control the pandemic of COVID-19. A survey was carried out with 2,000 Brazilians, who answered a sociodemographic questionnaire and...

#stayathome?: Increased children's emotion regulation in covid-19 pandemic

Estud. psicol. (Natal); 25 (2), 2020
Emotion Regulation is an important resource over children development, especially when facing adversities. The arrival of Convid-19 pandemic has resulted in procedures as quarantine and social distancing, which may cause mental health status challenges for children. The aim of this study was to compare p...

Grupo de treinamento de habilidades sociais em um centro de atenção psicossocial

Barbarói; (56), 2020
A assistência a usuários com transtorno mental no Brasil vem passando por diversas reformulações. Atualmente, esse público é atendido em Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) por uma equipe multiprofissional que realiza o cuidado através de diferentes propostas terapêuticas. Este trabalho busca...

Adaptation and Factor Structure of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale on Chilean Children and Adolescents

Rev. latinoam. psicol; 52 (), 2020
Abstract The high prevalence of mental disorders related to anxiety and depressive mood during childhood and adolescence requires a constant screening of the levels of such variables. For that purpose, instruments that are valid, reliable and easy to administrate are needed. The Hospital Anxiety and Depr...

Intolerance of uncertainty and mental health in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic

Suma psicol; 27 (1), 2020
Abstract The first Brazilian diagnosed with COVID-19 was identified on February 25th, resulting in a series of governmental actions to prepare the population for the effects of the pandemic. Nevertheless, geographic and socioeconomic characteristics of the country, and the strategies adopted may have con...

Contribuições da educação profissional na enfermagem para o enfrentamento da estigmatização associada aos transtornos mentais

Barbarói; (56), 2020
As atitudes estigmatizantes associadas aos portadores de transtornos mentais presentes em estudantes e trabalhadores da área da saúde são reproduzidas no cuidado a saúde, produzindo sofrimento, além daquele gerado pelo próprio transtorno mental. Uma forma de enfrentamento desse problema social é o...