Objective: this study aimed to evaluate long-term survival and prognostic factors in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) in an economically poor region of Brazil. Methods: the data were obtained from analysis of medical and mortality records of 210 patients with OSCC treated at an oncology ...
Molecular changes that affect mitochondrial glycolysis have been associated with the maintenance of tumor cells. Some metabolic factors have already been described as predictors of disease severity and outcomes. This systematic review was conducted to answer the question: Is the glycolytic pathway correl...
Abstract Objective To investigate the Ki 67 expression and its correlation with clinicopathological features and 3 years as well as 5 years survival rate in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Methodology Total 217cases of OSCC primarily treated with surgery with or without radiation were included. ...
Abstract: FITOPROT, which contains curcuminoids and Bidens pilosa L. extract, is an innovative mucoadhesive formulation indicated for the topical treatment of chemoradiotherapy-induced oral mucositis (OM) in patients with advanced and visible oral squamous cell carcinoma. The formulation is used as a mou...
Abstract This study aimed to analyze the influence of socioeconomic factors on the frequency of diagnoses of oral mucosal changes and the number of hospitalized patients with oral and oropharyngeal cancer in Brazil. This cross-sectional study analyzed data from all Brazilian cities in the period 2011-201...
ABSTRACT Objectives: to identify the evidence available in the literature on the knowledge of dentists regarding risk factors and early diagnosis of oral and oropharyngeal cancer. Methods: it is an integrative review of the literature. Boolean descriptors and operators were searched in the PubMed and L...
Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma Not Otherwise Specified it is a rare type of Non-Hodgkin t-cells malignant tumor whose oral manifestations are difficult to diagnose. A case of a 48-year-old male with a hemi-maxillary lesion histological and immunohistochemically compatible with Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma not ...
Objetivo: avaliar a acurácia do diagnóstico clínico comparando com o diagnóstico histopatológico de lesões malignas analisadas no Laboratório de Patologia Oral do Centro de Referências de Lesões Orais da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana. Metodologia: foi realizado um estudo de validade ...
Entre las principales manifestaciones de tumores de cabeza y específicamente de la cavidad oral se encuentran los de tipo odontógenicos, y de estos el más frecuente es el ameloblastoma. Este puede condicionar la presencia de una vía
aérea difícil para el anestesiólogo, que debe estar entrenado par...
Introducción: El tabaquismo se considera una epidemia de carácter universal y es una gravosa carga para el individuo, la familia y la sociedad. La cavidad bucal se afecta en toda su extensión y esto trae como resultado, efectos negativos sobre los tejidos que la conforman. Objetivo: Determinar las m...