Results: 3722

Antioxidant and cytotoxic properties of protein hydrolysates obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis of Klunzinger's mullet (Liza klunzingeri) muscle

Today, consumers are looking for functional foods that promote health and prevent certain diseases in addition to provide nutritional requirements. This study aimed to evaluate the antioxidant and cytotoxic properties of Liza klunzingeri protein hydrolysates. Fish protein hydrolysates (FPHs) were prepare...

Estratégia de comunicação e informação em saúde e a percepção de sentir-se preparada para o parto: ensaio aleatorizado por conglomerados (PRENACEL)

Resumo: O PRENACEL é uma pesquisa que incorpora duas abordagens inovadoras para a saúde materna e perinatal: a necessidade de melhorar os níveis de satisfação das mulheres com a experiência do parto; e, a avaliação de impactos do uso de tecnologias de informação e comunicação em saúde. Trata...

Facebook recruitment of smokers: comparing gain- and loss-framed ads for the purposes of an Internet-based smoking cessation intervention

Abstract: Gain- and loss-framed messages about smoking behavior have commonly been used to promote cessation. However, there are still no clear conclusions as to what kind of message is more effective for motivating smokers to quit. This study compared the effectiveness of loss- and gain-framed messages ...

Avaliação das informações do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC), Brasil

Resumo: Neste trabalho, avaliam-se quantitativa e qualitativamente as informações do Sistema de Informações sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC). A cobertura das informações por município foi estimada pela razão entre nascidos vivos informados e estimados. Para avaliação da qualidade das informações...

Checklist de segurança no ensino de cirurgia ambulatorial

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 46 (3), 2019
RESUMO Este artigo propõe a utilização de um checklist de cirurgia segura no ensino da disciplina de Cirurgia Ambulatorial durante a graduação em Medicina. Discorre sobre seus benefícios e potenciais dificuldades de implantação e adesão. Ressalta a importância do desenvolvimento da cultura de s...

Is life satisfaction associated with the purpose in life of elderly hydrogymnastics practitioners?

Motriz (Online); 25 (3), 2019
Aim: This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the association between life satisfaction and purpose in the life of the elderly hydro gymnastic practitioners. Methods: A total of 92 older people of both sexes, who practice hydro gymnastics in the city of Maringá, State of Paraná, Brazil, partici...

Early intervention program by ICF model for babies of 4-18 months frequenting daycare center: protocol for clinical trial

Motriz (Online); 25 (3), 2019
A daycare center is a long-term place for infants, which means that early intervention programs should be thought of in this environment. There are still many gaps regarding the best way of stimulation/intervention, duration and description of effects and controlled outcomes. Aim: The objective of this...

Gluteus Medius and Tensor Fascia Latae muscle activation levels during multi-joint strengthening exercises

Motriz (Online); 25 (3), 2019
Aim: To compare the activation of GMed and TFL in four multi-joint exercises in strength training protocols and to verify if the level of muscle activation is indicated for strength gains in resistance training protocols. Methods: Eleven recreational lifters had normalized muscle activation of GMed and T...

The use of surface electromyography to assess transfemoral amputees: methodological and functional perspective

Motriz (Online); 25 (3), 2019
Aim: Surface electromyography (sEMG) has been established as a safe non-invasive method to investigate neuromuscular function. However, the use of this instrument to assess lower limbs of transfemoral amputees still presents a lack of standardization in its methods of signal acquisition and processing. ...

Benefits of physical exercise on Parkinson's disease disorders induced in animal models

Motriz (Online); 25 (3), 2019
Aim: The preventive and therapeutic role of physical exercise in Parkinson's disease (PD) has been the target of study of many scientific groups, and the research often is done in experimental models, especially rodents. Thus, the aim of this review was to analyze a database, elucidating the main benefi...