Results: 3132

Estilos de vida y calidad de vida asociados a la calidad de sueño en estudiantes universitarios

Rev. méd. Chile; 151 (3), 2023
BACKGROUND: Contemporary lifestyles trigger changes in the sleep quality in youngsters causing effects on mental health, lifestyles and quality of life. AIM: To investigate health, lifestyles and quality of life indicators associated with sleep quality in university students. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The Sl...

Adaptation Strategies in Students with Motor Functional Diversity

Invest. educ. enferm; 41 (1), 2023
Objective. The work sough to know the adaptation strategies of students from Universidad del Quindío with motor functional diversity. Method. Descriptive qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. Data were collected through an in-depth interview with ni...

Intolerância à incerteza em estudantes durante a pandemia de Covid-19: scoping review

Psicol. teor. prát; 25 (2), 2023
Compreende-se que o fator intolerância à incerteza é um construto que implica na dificuldade do indivíduo em lidar com contextos imprevistos. A literatura indica que a intolerância à incerteza pode apresentar impacto negativo ao bem-estar, principalmente, quando se está vivenciando um contexto ine...

Coping strategies adopted by students and professors in the COVID-19 pandemic context: a cross-sectional study

ABCS health sci; 48 (), 2023
INTRODUCTION: In face of the COVID-19 crisis, classroom activities at universities were interrupted in Brazil, following the guidelines of health agencies to minimize coronavirus contamination levels, with implications for students’ and professors’ mental health. OBJECTIVE: To identify the coping str...

Impact of covid-19 on the sexual function and self-esteem of young brazilian undergraduate student

ABCS health sci; 48 (), 2023
INTRODUCTION: Satisfactory sexual function contributes considerably to women’s physical and mental health and is affected by several factors, including chronic stress. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, these stressors have been intensified by fear of contamination and morbidity and mortalit...

Study on awareness, knowledge, and practices towards antibiotic use among the educated and uneducated people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan

ABCS health sci; 48 (), 2023
INTRODUCTION: Antimicrobial resistance developed through the inadequate use of antibiotics; is an overriding task for global public health. OBJECTIVE: To explore awareness, knowledge, and practices, and compare the elements associated with antibiotic misuse in different University students and uneducated...

Dependence on the use of technologies and daytime sleepiness in adolescent students

ABCS health sci; 48 (), 2023
INTRODUCTION: Over the past 50 years, there has been a decline in average sleep duration and quality, with adverse consequences for overall health. Growing evidence from countries around the world shows the negative impact of using internet access technologies on sleep due to the short wavelength enriche...

Transtornos Mentais Comuns (TMC): um estudo com estudantes de cursos técnicos

INTRODUÇÃO: O Transtorno Mental Comum (TMC), refere-se a um termo criado para designar um conjunto de sintomas não psicóticos que habitualmente estão relacionados com quadros subclínicos de ansiedade, depressão e estresse. OBJETIVO: Investigar a prevalência de TMC entre alunos dos Cursos Técnico...

Conhecimento de estudantes do ensino médio sobre métodos contraceptivos: pesquisa-ação em escolas da rede privada

OBJETIVO: Identificar o conhecimento de estudantes sobre os métodos contraceptivos, antes e após a realização de oficinas sobre a temática. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa-ação, realizada com 38 estudantes do ensino médio. Foram realizadas oficinas com discussão da temática (audiogravadas) e aplicação de ...