Results: 4389

Risk of bleeding complications in percutaneous biliary drainage: the paradox of the normal hemostasis

ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.); 32 (3), 2019
ABSTRACT Background: Percutaneous biliary drainage is a safe procedure. The risk of bleeding complications is acceptable. Frequently, patients with biliary obstructions usually have coagulation disorders thus increasing risk of bleeding. For this reason, patients should always fit the parameters of he...

Routine use of v-lock® suture for bariatric anastomosis is safe: comparative results from consecutive case series

ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.); 32 (3), 2019
ABSTRACT Background: In high-income countries, morbid obesity is a growing health problem that has already reached epidemic proportions. When performing a laparoscopic gastric bypass several operative methods exist. Aim: To describe the institutional experience using a knotless unidirectional barbe...

Brazilian and argentinean multicentric study in the surgical minimally invasive treatment of pilonidal cyst

ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.); 32 (3), 2019
ABSTRACT Background: The pilonidal cyst is an infection of the skin and the subcutaneous tissue, secondary to a chronic inflammation with a greater frequency in the sacrococcygeal region, and associated to the presence of hair. The treatment is eminently surgical. Aim: To demonstrate the endoscopic tr...

Utilidad de las medidas derivadas de la presión parcial de CO2 en pacientes adultos sometidos cirugía cardíaca con circulación extracorpórea

Rev chil anest; 48 (5), 2019
Antecedentes: En pacientes críticos ha sido propuesta la medida de los parámetros derivados de las presiones parciales de CO2 como indicadores de una adecuada perfusión y oxigenación tisular. Su utilización en cirugía cardiaca (CC) con circulación extracorpórea (CEC) no está aún dilucidada. Obj...

Bloqueo de la rama lingual del nervio glosofaríngeo en pacientes pediátricos sometidos a adenotonsilectomía: estudio prospectivo y de corte transversal

Rev chil anest; 48 (1), 2019
OBJECTIVE: To determine the efficacy of lingual branch of glossopharyngeal nerve block in postoperative management of pain in pediatric patients undergoing adenotonsillectomy. METHODS: Prospective and cross-sectional clinical trial. The sample was 105 patients between 3 and 8 years old scheduled for aden...

Efectividad analgésica postoperatoria de la adición de morfina más dexametasona al anestésico local en bloqueo ecodirigido de plexo braquial

Rev chil anest; 48 (1), 2019
OBJECTIVE: To describe and evaluate the postoperative analgesic effectiveness of the combination of morphine, dexamethasone and local anesthetic in ultrasound-guided brachial plexus block. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective, observational and analytical cohort study was conducted. The cohort was compos...

Implementación de un programa de reciclaje en pabellón

Rev. chil. anest; 48 (2), 2019
INTRODUCTION: The waste management of a hospital center affects people both those who receive health care and the environment that receives them. The impact on the environment of the task of peri-operative care has not yet been properly studied. It is known that of the 105 tons of garbage monthly from th...

Monitoreo de presión de manguito de tubo endotraqueal

Rev. chil. anest; 48 (2), 2019
OBJECTIVE: Perform an objective monitoring of the endotracheal tube cuff pressure in patients under general anesthesia in the Anesthesiology Service of Hospital Privado de Córdoba. METHODS: It is a controlled, comparative, prospective study where the range of cuff pressures was analyzed at the beginning...

Análisis función ventricular derecha, función renal y fluidos tras resucitación en pacientes con ventilación mecánica

Rev. chil. anest; 48 (3), 2019
INTRODUCTION: Hemodynamic optimization is a main goal in the management of critically ill patients. Right ventricular function, renal failure and fluid balance are part of this process. Our goal is to analysis those, after the initial resuscitation. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A prospective, observational stud...

Índice de colapsabilidad de la vena cava inferior como predictor de hipotensión intraoperatoria

Rev. chil. anest; 48 (4), 2019
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the lower vena cava Collapse Index (CI) as a predictor parameter of hypotensive episodes after general anesthesia induction in ASA I and II patients who were scheduled for elective surgery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective, observational and simple blind study was designed. A s...