Results: 3070

Degradation of keratin substrates by keratinolytic fungi

Background: The hydrolysis of keratin wastes by microorganisms is considered a biotechnological alternative for recycling and valorization through keratinolytic microorganisms. Despite their resistant structure, keratin wastes can be efficiently degraded by various microorganisms through the secretion of...

Diagnóstico de mastite e determinação da composição do leite de ovelhas laucane
Diagnosis of mastitis and determination of milk composition of laucane sheep

Hig. aliment; 31 (268/269), 2017
A cadeia produtiva da ovinocultura leiteira tem apresentado importância econômica crescente, especialmente na região Sul do Brasil e, por isto, a mastite nesta espécie vem sendo cada vez mais discutida. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a ocorrência de mastite e caracterizar a composição do l...

Asociación de variantes polimorfas de los genes PTPN22 , TNF y VDR en niños con nefritis lúpica: un estudio de tríos en familias colombianas

Biomédica (Bogotá); 37 (2), 2017
RESUMEN Introducción. El lupus eritematoso sistémico es una enfermedad autoinmunitaria cuya gravedad varía según la raza, el sexo y la edad de aparición. Esta disparidad también se observa en los marcadores genéticos asociados con la enfermedad presentes en los genes PTPN22, VDR y TNF. La estrati...

Haplotypes in CCR5-CCR2 , CCL3 and CCL5 are associated with natural resistance to HIV-1 infection in a Colombian cohort

Biomédica (Bogotá); 37 (2), 2017
RESUMEN Introduction: Variants in genes encoding for HIV-1 co-receptors and their natural ligands have been individually associated to natural resistance to HIV-1 infection. However, the simultaneous presence of these variants has been poorly studied. Objective: To evaluate the association of single a...

Niveles de cortisol en la saliva y séricos en recién nacidos

Arch. argent. pediatr; 115 (3), 2017
Introducción. Dada la dificultad en la interpretación de los valores de cortisol sérico en recién nacidos (RN), el objetivo de este estudio fue correlacionar los niveles basales de cortisol en el suero y la saliva, y describir las concentraciones de cortisol salival durante el primer mes de vida. Pob...

Repair of Bone Defects with Chitosan-Collagen Biomembrane and Scaffold Containing Calcium Aluminate Cement

Braz. dent. j; 28 (3), 2017
Abstract Innovative biomaterials can provide a promising new direction for the treatment of bone defects, stimulating a proper repair process, with no damage to adjacent tissues. The purpose of this in vivo study was to evaluate the biocompatibility and the osteoinductive capacity of chitosan-collagen bi...

Plant antiherbivore defenses in Fabaceae species of the Chaco

Braz. j. biol; 77 (2), 2017
Abstract The establishment and maintenance of plant species in the Chaco, one of the widest continuous areas of forests in the South American with sharp climatic variations, are possibly related to biological features favoring plants with particular defenses. This study assesses the physical and chemical...

Nutritional content of bat-consumed fruits in a forest fragment in Southern Brazil

Braz. j. biol; 77 (2), 2017
Abstract The State Park Mata dos Godoy has 42 identified bat species, among which 21 are frugivorous and belong to the Phyllostomidae family. Current study investigated the concentrations of carbohydrate, lipid and protein in fruits consumed by Artibeus lituratus, Carollia perspicillata and Sturnira lili...

Thermal and photo-stability of the antioxidant potential of Spirulina platensis powder

Braz. j. biol; 77 (2), 2017
Abstract This work aimed to evaluate the thermal and photo stability of the antioxidant potential (AP) of the Spirulina platensis biomass. Thermal stability was established at 25ºC, 40ºC and 50ºC for 60 days, in the dark, protected from light. Photo stability was evaluated using UV (15 W, λ = 265...

Influence of inlet water on the biotic and abiotic variables in a fish pond

Braz. j. biol; 77 (2), 2017
Abstract The effects of treated and untreated water inlets with macrophytes on the improvement of water quality and zooplankton community were evaluated in a fish pond with continuous water flow. Water and zooplankton samples were retrieved at four sites during nine months. There were differences (p<0...