Results: 391

Abordagem da conjuntivite em paciente com dermatite atópica em uso de dupilumabe

O dupilumabe foi aprovado para o tratamento de dermatite atópica moderada a grave em adultos e adolescentes no Brasil. Ensaios clínicos e estudos de vida real mostraram alta eficácia e segurança deste imunobiológico, porém a frequência de conjuntivite no grupo de pacientes com dermatite atópica t...

Biomarcadores en las neoplasias mieloproliferativas clásicas BCR-ABL1 negativas
Biomarkers in Classical Myeloproliferative Neoplasms BCR-ABL1 negative

Introducción: Los biomarcadores son útiles en la definición del diagnóstico, pronóstico y seguimiento de múltiples enfermedades. La detección o medición de uno o más biomarcadores específicos representan alteraciones en vías genéticas o epigenéticas que controlan la proliferación, diferenci...

Displasia fibromuscular en la Argentina. Registro del grupo de trabajo de Hipertensión Secundaria de la Sociedad Argentina de Hipertensión Arterial (SAHARA-DF): proyecto de protocolo y resultados preliminares
Fibromuscular dysplasia in Argentina. A registry from the Secondary Hypertension working group of the Argentine Society of Hypertension (SAHARA-DF): project protocol and preliminary results

En la Argentina no existen datos epidemiológicos sobre displasia fibromuscular. La realización de un registro nacional puede aportar información que conduzca a una actualización de los consensos y recomendaciones para un correcto diagnóstico, evaluación y tratamiento. El Registro Argentino de Displ...

Impacto de la implementación de un algoritmo en el tratamiento de niños hospitalizados por asma agudo

Patients hospitalized for acute asthma treated with a pre-established algorithm could decrease hospital stay and critical bed (PICU) requirement. The objective of this article was to implement and evaluate the impact of a pre-established algorithm to treat children hospitalized for acute asthma. It is a ...

Reducing overcrowding in an emergency department: a pilot study

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE Exploring the use of forecasting models and simulation tools to estimate demand and reduce the waiting time of patients in Emergency Departments (EDs). METHODS The analysis was based on data collected in May 2013 in the ED of Recanto das Emas, Federal District, Brasil, which uses a ...

Artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of cardiovascular disease

SUMMARY Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of computer science that aims to mimic human thought processes. AI techniques have been applied in cardiovascular medicine to explore novel genotypes and phenotypes in existing diseases, improve the quality of patient care, enabling cost-effectiveness, and ...

Diagnostic algorithm for the confirmation of cases of measles and rubella in Mexico

Gac. méd. Méx; 155 (5), 2019
Due to the successful implementation of measles and rubella elimination strategies, Mexico announced the interruption of endemic transmission of measles in 1996 and that of rubella in 2008. After a verification process, the region of the Americas was declared free of rubella and congenital rubella syndro...

Congenital syphilis in Mexico. Analysis of national and international standards from the perspective of laboratory diagnosis

Gac. méd. Méx; 155 (5), 2019
Introduction: Congenital syphilis continues to be a public health problem in Mexico. Objective: To assess the similarities and differences between national standards, guidelines and international documents related to the detection of syphilis in pregnant women and congenital syphilis. Method Two algori...

Desarrollo y evaluación de una base de datos in house para la identificación rápida de Burkholderia contaminons por EM MALDI-TOF

Rev. argent. microbiol; 51 (3), 2019
La espectrometría de masas (EM) (matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight) MALDI-TOF demostró ser una herramienta robusta para la identificación de numerosos grupos taxonómicos. No obstante, presenta limitaciones. Una ventaja clave de la técnica es la flexibilidad para la incorpora...

Brazilian consensus in enuresis-recomendations for clinical practice

Int. braz. j. urol; 45 (5), 2019
ABSTRACT Introduction Enuresis, defined as an intermittent urinary incontinence that occurs during sleep, is a frequent condition, occurring in about 10% of children at 7 years of age. However, it is frequently neglected by the family and by the primary care provider, leaving many of those children wit...