Results: 1938

Early Childhood Caries Experience of Children from Poor Families Living Below and Above Poverty Line

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the role of poverty and its related factors on early childhood caries (ECC) experience among deprived children. Material and Methods: This population-based cross-sectional study surveyed 418 children aged one to six years enrolled in Brazilian public preschools from an a...

Effectiveness of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Therapy on whole Salivary Flow in Patients with Xerostomia and Healthy Adults

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate and compare the effectiveness of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) therapy on whole salivary flow in patients with xerostomia and healthy adults. Material and Methods: Thirty subjects with a history of xerostomia and subjects withunstimulated salivary fl...

Comparative Evaluation of Surface Roughness of Resin- Modified Glass Ionomer and Glass Hybrid Restorative Materials Simulated by Tooth Brushing: An in-Vitro Study

ABSTRACT Objective: Tocompare the effect of tooth brushing on surface roughness of Resin-Modified Glass Ionomer Cement (RMGIC; GC Gold label 2LC Light Cured Universal Restorative) and Glass Hybrid (GH; GC EQUIA SYSTEM- EQUIA Forte™ Fil and EQUIA Forte™ Coat) restorative material at 1- and 3-...

Topography of Primary Molar Pulp Chamber Floor: A Scanning Electron Microscopy and Micro-Computed Tomography Analysis

ABSTRACT Objective: To determine in vitro the frequency, shape, type, diameter, and patency of accessory canals in the primary molars pulp chamber floor. Material and Methods: Sixteen healthy primary molars were evaluated by micro-computed tomography and scanning electron microscopy. Descriptive analys...

Determine the Dentists' Practice in Compliance with General and Guidelines for Handling Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the Dentists' practice in compliance with general and guidelines for handling Coronavirus Disease 2019. Material and Methods: PubMed, Embase, ISI, Scopus, Medicine have been used to search for articles until September 2020. EndNote X9 was used to manage electronic resou...

Effectiveness of Fully Customized Lingual Orthodontic Treatment: A Retrospective Pilot Study

ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the effectiveness of Suresmile® lingual therapy on torque, tip, and rotations measures through digital evaluation of planning and post-treatment digital models. Material and Methods: A sample of 12 Caucasian adult patients (4 men; mean age 30.6 years ± 3.9 and 8 wom...

Comparison of Bracket Position Accuracy with Different CAD/CAM Indirect Bonding Systems

ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the accuracy of three different digital bracket positioning systems, comparing vertical, mesiodistal and buccolingual accuracy. Material and Methods The same case was sent to Orapix, Insignia, and Orthocad systems and the brackets were bonded to the malocclusion models.Da...

Relationship of Angulation of Maxillary Impacted Canines with Maxillary Lateral Incisor Root Resorption

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the relationship of ɑ and ß angles of maxillary impacted canines with maxillary lateral incisor root resorption. Material and Methods: For this, 40 patients (between 11 and 45 years) with impacted maxillary canines presenting to a private orthodontic clinic were eval...

Comparison Between Primary and Secondary Method of Closing Surgical Wound After Tooth Extraction: A Split-Mouth Study

ABSTRACT Objective: To compare and assess the primary and secondary closure techniques following extraction of impacted third molars for post-operative complications. Material and Methods: In total, 30 patients ranging between 18-30 years of age and of either sex who had bilaterally impacted mandibular...

Realidade ou simulação? Análise do desempenho de estudantes de Medicina em avaliações práticas distintas

Rev. bras. educ. méd; 45 (1), 2021
Resumo: Introdução: Avaliar habilidades clínicas é um desafio no curso médico. A heterogeneidade na escolha dos pacientes somada à falta de critérios objetivos resultou em mudança metodológica para utilização do Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). Objetivo: O objetivo deste est...