Results: 476

Caracterización de sífilis en embarazadas controladas en la unidad de atención y control en salud sexual del hospital San José (HSJ), Santiago de Chile (2010-2016)

Rev. chil. dermatol; 35 (4), 2019
Introducción: La sífilis gestacional continúa sien-do un problema de salud pública en el mundo. Produce severos efectos adversos en la madre y en el feto de no ser tratada. En Chile, el Ministerio de Salud ha establecido un tamizaje para esta infección cada 3 meses en el embarazo y al momento del pa...

Streptococcus mutans detection in saliva and colostrum samples

Einstein (Säo Paulo); 17 (1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective To detect Streptococcus mutans in colostrum and saliva of neonates and compare with its detection in saliva of mothers. Methods Forty-three healthy women, full-term gestations with no complications, submitted to elective Cesarean section, and their newborns were included in the stu...

Evaluation of the health attention to pregnant women with HIV: comparison between primary and specialized service

ABSTRACT The public network for health care of pregnant women with HIV, in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil, includes primary and specialized care services. Objective: Evaluating whether the type of service interferes in the quality score of the health care in the experience of the pregnant women w...

Influence of exposure and vertical transmission of HIV-1 on the neuropsychomotor development in children

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Exposure to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 during pregnancy is a major risk factor for neurodevelopmental delay and deleterious effects in children. However, limited information about these conditions exists in poor geographical areas in Brazil. Prevention of vertical transm...

Attributable fraction of congenital syphilis due to the lack of prenatal care

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Although congenital syphilis is preventable, its incidence has increased in Brazil. METHODS: In this ecological study, a Bayesian spatio-temporal model was used to estimate the attributable fraction of congenital syphilis cases due to the lack of prenatal care recorded between 20...

Review of the missed opportunities for the prevention of vertical transmission of HIV in Brazil

Clinics; 74 (), 2019
OBJECTIVE: The present literature review aims to highlight gaps in the treatment of preventative mother-to-child HIV transmission and the risk factors in Brazil. METHODS: Among the 425 articles identified in SciELO and PubMed searches, 59 articles published between 1994 and 2016 were selected for readin...

Inequalities in access to HIV and syphilis tests in prenatal care in Brazil

This study aims to evaluate the social determinants of access to HIV and VDRL tests during pregnancy in Brazil. The dependent variables were based on prenatal care access: prenatal care appointments, no HIV and syphilis tests. The independent variables at the first level were formal education level, age,...

Avaliação do neurodesenvolvimento de crianças expostas verticalmente ao vírus Zika assintomáticas ao nascimento e sua relação com o período de exposição durante a gestação
Evaluation of the neurodevelopment of children vertically exposed to the Zika virus who are asymptomatic at birth and its relationship with the period of exposure during pregnancy

No início de 2015 uma epidemia do vírus Zika emergiu no Brasil e desde então se iniciou uma grande discussão sobre a síndrome congênita e o tipo de malformações que poderiam ocorrer nos fetos expostos. Existem escassas informações na literatura acerca dos seus impactos no médio e longo prazo e...

Zika vírus e gravidez: achados fetais avaliados pelo ultrassom e doppler e sua associação com o desfecho perinatal
Zika virus and pregnancy: fetal findings assessed by ultrasound and doppler and their association with perinatal outcome

A infecção congênita pelo vírus Zika (ICZ) produz um amplo espectro de complicações perinatais, destacando-se as anomalias estruturais. A associação de achados ultrassonográficos pré-natais (USO) com outros desfechos perinatais adversos, não foi descrita até o momento. Identificamos também u...

Análise da triagem auditiva de crianças expostas ao vírus Zika
Analysis of hearing screening in children exposed to the Zika virus

O vírus Zika, identificado no Brasil no ano de 2015, infectou um número significativo de pessoas. A sequela mais grave constatada pela doença foi a microcefalia, que chamou a atenção dos meios governamentais e acadêmicos pelo aumento expressivo do número de casos no país. Um elevado número de ge...