Results: 3610

Percutaneous lead extraction in infection of cardiac implantable electronic devices: a systematic review

Abstract Introduction: In the last two decades, the increased number of implants of cardiac implantable electronic devices has been accompanied by an increase in complications, especially infection. Current recommendations for the appropriate treatment of cardiac implantable electronic devices-related i...

On-Pump beating/non-beating cabg in stable angina have similar outcomes

Abstract Objective: On pump beating/non-beating coronary artery bypass grafts (CABG) has been compared in patients with unstable angina and/or severe left ventricular dysfunction. There is scarce evidence regarding the beneficial use of on-pump beating CABG in patients with stable angina and normal left...

Utilidad pronóstica del PET/CT en cáncer de páncreas

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (4), 2018
Background: Pancreatic cancer is the tenth most prevalent cancer in world, and represents the fourth cause of cancer death. It has a five year-survival of 5%. Aim: To assess the prognostic value of PET/CT in pancreatic cancer. Material and Methods: Sixty-nine patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma who...

Variables clínicas y funcionales asociadas al riesgo de muerte en el seguimiento a largo plazo en pacientes con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (4), 2018
Background: Identifying risk factors for long-term mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) could improve their clinical management. Aim: To examine the clinical variables associated to long-term mortality in a cohort of COPD patients. Patients and Methods: A clinical and...

Mortalidad por cáncer oral en Chile, 2002-2012

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (4), 2018
Background: Oral cancer is the 15th most common cause of cancer death in the world. In Chile, 1% of all cancer deaths are related to oral and pharyngeal cancer. Aim: To determine mortality rates for oral cancer in Chile and its regions between 2002-2012. Material and Methods: Deaths and their causes be...

Licencia médica psiquiátrica: revisión de los efectos positivos y negativos del reposo

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (4), 2018
There is no consensus amongst physicians, social security representatives and researchers about optimum sick leaves. This is an indication that should maximize positive outcomes and minimize potential side effects, both for the patient and society. The use of sick leaves during the last decade rose stead...

Infection in Patients with Decompensated Heart Failure: In-Hospital Mortality and Outcome

Arq. bras. cardiol; 110 (4), 2018
Abstract Background: Heart failure (HF) is a syndrome, whose advanced forms have a poor prognosis, which is aggravated by the presence of comorbidities. Objective: We assessed the impact of infection in patients with decompensated HF admitted to a tertiary university-affiliated hospital in the city of ...

¿El volumen medio plaquetario es un predictor de mortalidad en pacientes sépticos?: Revisión de la literatura
The mean platelet volume is a predictor of mortality in septic patients?: Review of the literature

Rev. méd. hered; 29 (2), 2018
La sepsis es una de las causas más frecuentes que motivan el ingreso de pacientes al hospital y a las unidades de cuidados intensivos, tiene alto impacto en la morbilidad y mortalidad. Pese a los avances tecnológicos que han permitido mejorar el soporte de fallos orgánicos, no se ha logrado disminuir ...

Pénfigo paraneoplásico asociado a leucemia linfocítica crónica

Prensa méd. argent; 104 (2), 2018
El pénfigo paraneoplásico es una dermatosis ampollar autoimmune asociada a un proceso neoplásico, conocido previamente o no. Se presenta con mayor frecuencia en hombres, entre los 45 y 70 años, pero también puede manifestarse en niños. La clínica es polimorfa. Existen 5 variantes posibles: pénfig...

Factores pronósticos en pacientes con cáncer de mama y metástasis cerebral como primer sitio de recurrencia

Salud pública Méx; 60 (2), 2018
Resumen: Objetivo: Evaluar los factores pronósticos (características clínico-patológicas y tratamientos) en las pacientes con cáncer de mama y metástasis al sistema nervioso central (SNC) como primer sitio de afección. Material y métodos: Cohorte retrospectiva, formada por 125 pacientes con c...