Results: 3204

Paracoccidioidomicosis colónica en un hospital de Lima - Perú: reporte de 4 casos

La paracoccidioidomicosis es la micosis más prevalente de Sudamérica. En nuestro medio la afectación mucocutánea y linfática suele ser la de mayor prevalencia, siendo el compromiso intestinal pocas veces reportado. Se reportan 4 casos de afectación colónica con manifestación de dolor abdominal, d...

Penetrating gastric ulcer as a manifestation of multisystemic tuberculosis

We present the case of a 30-year old female with a history of abdominal pain, fever, poor oral tolerance and weight loss for 6 months. An abdominal CT scan showed marked gastric dilatation due to extrinsic compression from lymphadenopathies around the second portion of the duodenum. The upper endoscopy r...

Hemorragia digestiva e insuficiencia hepática aguda por leptospirosis: una entidad que no debemos olvidar

La leptospirosis es una enfermedad causada por la espiroqueta Leptospira. Se trata de una zoonosis de distribución mundial, con predominio en los trópicos. En España no es frecuente pero sí se observan casos en zonas más húmedas o con presencia de ríos, lagos o estanques, como son Cataluña, Andal...

Efficient regeneration and genetic transformation platform applicable to five Musa varieties

Background: Banana (Musa spp.) is an important staple food, economic crop, and nutritional fruit worldwide. Conventional breeding has been seriously hampered by their long generation time, polyploidy, and sterility of most cultivated varieties. Establishment of an efficient regeneration and transformatio...

Characterization of a hyperthermophilic sulphur-oxidizing biofilm produced by archaea isolated from a hot spring

Background: Sulphur-oxidizing microorganisms are widely used in the biofiltration of total reduced sulphur compounds (odorous and neurotoxic) produced by industries such as the cellulose and petrochemical industries, which include high-temperature process steps. Some hyperthermophilic microorganisms have...

High cervical spine spondylodiscitis management and literature review

Summary Spondylodiscitis affecting the cervical spine is the most unusual type. Disease progression can be dramatic, even causing quadriplegia and death. We present an unusual case that progressed with osteolytic lesions between C2 and C3, causing cord compression and epidural abscess. The patient was tr...

Effects of different irrigation regimes in physico-chemical properties of dentin and consequences of changes in the adhesion of microorganisms and AH Plus sealer

Besides of the desired effects, the chemical solutions used to assist the endodontic instruments in the cleanliness and disinfection of the root canal system can also cause changes in the physicochemical properties of dentin, and consequently affect the adhesion of endodontic sealers and microorganisms t...

Evaluation of methods for removal of filling material in endodontic retreatment and assessment of antimicrobial action of solutions used in final irrigation

When endodontic treatment fails, an alternative could be root canal retreatment. During this procedure, all filling material should be removed to allow a new root canal preparation and new obturation of the root canal system. Bacteria are the main cause of endodontic treatment failure, and persistent inf...

Expressão dos genes ALS3, HWP1, BCR1, TEC1, CPH1 e EFG1 de Candida albicans em biofilmes após inativação fotodinâmica

Os micro-organismos estão se tornando cada vez mais resistentes aos antimicrobianos e cepas de Candida albicans resistentes aos antifúngicos tem sido isoladas, assim, torna-se importante e necessário a realização de pesquisas que avaliem os efeitos de novos métodos terapêuticos, como a inativaçã...

Terapia de manutenção periodontal: perfil microbiológico e efeito do tabagismo na perda dental

Esta Tese reporta dois estudos distintos relacionados à terapia de manutenção periodontal (TMP): achados microbiológicos longitudinais de 6 anos relacionados à cooperação dos indivíduos e efeito do tabagismo na perda dental. A justificativa para estes estudos é baseada em dois aspectos pontuais:...