Results: 475

Design of a geospatial model applied to Health management

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify geographically the beneficiaries categorized as prone to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, using the recognition of patterns in a database of a health plan operator, through data mining. Method: The following steps were developed: the initial step, the information survey. Develo...

Nursing Care in Healthcare-Associated Infections: A Scoping Review

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify and map nursing care to the adult patient with Healthcare-Associated Infections admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. Method: Scoping Review, conducted in January 2018, through the search of studies in national and international databases, journals, catalogs of theses and...

Nursing interventions in palliative care in Pediatric Oncology: an integrative review

ABSTRACT Objective: to identify, in scientific productions, nursing interventions in palliative care in children and adolescents with cancer. Method: integrative review of the literature through the databases: CINAHL, MEDLINE, IBECS, LILACS and SCIELO, carried out in October and November 2017. Results...

Male External Catheter in Adults: a glance at nursing care practice

ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the patients care in the use of the Male External Catheter in Adults in a clinical-surgical hospitalization unit. Method: a cross-sectional study. Evaluation of 30 patients hospitalized in clinical-surgical units to collect items related to the specific care provided. R...

Eficacia de un plan de cuidados de enfermería específico para el paciente con delirio
Effectiveness of a Specific Nursing Care Plan for the Patient with Delirium

Rev. cuba. enferm; 35 (1), 2019
RESUMEN Introducción: El síndrome confusional agudo o delirio es un trastorno psiquiátrico severo frecuente en pacientes mayores ingresados, tiende a agravarse en las horas del final de la tarde y nocturnas, con un gran impacto en los cuidados nocturnos. Objetivos: Evaluar la eficacia de los cuida...

Influencia de los procederes de enfermería en la sobrevivencia de los pacientes afectados por el Ébola
Influence of Nursing Procedures in the Survival of Patients Affected by Ebola

Rev. cuba. enferm; 35 (1), 2019
Introducción: El virus del Ébola causa una enfermedad grave sumamente infecciosa, que lleva rápidamente a la muerte, con una tasa de letalidad de hasta 90 por ciento, pero puede prevenirse. Objetivo: Describir relevancia de los procederes de enfermería en la sobrevivencia de los pacientes afectado...

Everyday life in nursing work under the Michel de Certeau's perspective

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 72 (supl.1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: to reflect on the everyday life in nursing work based on Michel de Certeau's theorization. Results: everyday life in nursing work is permeated by tactics of subjects who practice the place. Their movements escape standards, protocols and rules, re-signifying the cultural system defi...

Management of prenatal nursing care at a Health Center in Angola

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 72 (supl.1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To understand how care management in prenatal care in a Care Center in Angola happens. Method: A qualitative study, which used the Constructivist Grounded Theory (GT) as a methodological framework. The theoretical sample consisted of 22 participants, including nursing professionals,...

Nursing Activities Score and the cost of nursing care required and available

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 72 (supl.1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To estimate the cost of nursing care required and available through the use of the Nursing Activities Score. Method: Quantitative study, direct costing of nursing care required and available in the Intensive Care Units. Data collection included variables of the patients, nursing pro...