ABSTRACT Objective: To identify geographically the beneficiaries categorized as prone to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, using the recognition of patterns in a database of a health plan operator, through data mining. Method: The following steps were developed: the initial step, the information survey. Develo...
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify and map nursing care to the adult patient with Healthcare-Associated Infections admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. Method: Scoping Review, conducted in January 2018, through the search of studies in national and international databases, journals, catalogs of theses and...
ABSTRACT Objective: to identify, in scientific productions, nursing interventions in palliative care in children and adolescents with cancer. Method: integrative review of the literature through the databases: CINAHL, MEDLINE, IBECS, LILACS and SCIELO, carried out in October and November 2017. Results...
ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the patients care in the use of the Male External Catheter in Adults in a clinical-surgical hospitalization unit. Method: a cross-sectional study. Evaluation of 30 patients hospitalized in clinical-surgical units to collect items related to the specific care provided. R...
RESUMEN Introducción: El síndrome confusional agudo o delirio es un trastorno psiquiátrico severo frecuente en pacientes mayores ingresados, tiende a agravarse en las horas del final de la tarde y nocturnas, con un gran impacto en los cuidados nocturnos. Objetivos: Evaluar la eficacia de los cuida...
Introducción: El virus del Ébola causa una enfermedad grave sumamente infecciosa, que lleva rápidamente a la muerte, con una tasa de letalidad de hasta 90 por ciento, pero puede prevenirse. Objetivo: Describir relevancia de los procederes de enfermería en la sobrevivencia de los pacientes afectado...
ABSTRACT Objective: to reflect on the everyday life in nursing work based on Michel de Certeau's theorization. Results: everyday life in nursing work is permeated by tactics of subjects who practice the place. Their movements escape standards, protocols and rules, re-signifying the cultural system defi...
ABSTRACT Objective: To understand how care management in prenatal care in a Care Center in Angola happens. Method: A qualitative study, which used the Constructivist Grounded Theory (GT) as a methodological framework. The theoretical sample consisted of 22 participants, including nursing professionals,...
Teoría Fundamentada,
Entrevistas como Asunto/métodos,
Enfermería Neonatal/métodos,
Enfermería Neonatal/normas,
Enfermeras y Enfermeros/psicología,
Atención de Enfermería/métodos,
Atención de Enfermería,
Satisfacción del Paciente,
Mujeres Embarazadas/psicología,
Atención Prenatal/métodos,
Investigación Cualitativa,
Estudiantes de Enfermería/psicología
ABSTRACT Objective: To estimate the cost of nursing care required and available through the use of the Nursing Activities Score. Method: Quantitative study, direct costing of nursing care required and available in the Intensive Care Units. Data collection included variables of the patients, nursing pro...
Costos y Análisis de Costo,
Costos de la Atención en Salud/estadística & datos numéricos,
Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos/organización & administración,
Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos/estadística & datos numéricos,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Atención de Enfermería/métodos,
Atención de Enfermería/normas,
Puntuación Fisiológica Simplificada Aguda,
Carga de Trabajo/psicología,
Carga de Trabajo/normas