Results: 538

Physiological profile of adult male long-distance trail runners: variations according to competitive level (national or regional)

ABSTRACT Objective To describe and identify the importance of different indicators of the aerobic and anaerobic fitness of male ultra-trail runners according to their level of participation (regional or national). Methods Forty-four male ultra-trail runners were assessed (36.5±7.2 years). They were ...

Effect of air pollution on the autonomic modulation of heart rate in overweight adults

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the effect of air pollution on heart rate variability in overweight individuals. Methods: A total of 46 adult individuals, both sexes, aged between 18 and 49 years and with body mass index >25kg/m2 were analyzed. All volunteers were students from public schools of two ...

Efficacy of a behavior change program on cardiovascular parameters in patients with hypertension: a randomized controlled trial

ABSTRACT Objective To investigate the efficacy of a behavior change program named Vida Ativa Melhorando a Saúde on cardiovascular parameters in hypertensive patients. Methods Ninety hypertensive patients aged over 40 years were randomly allocated to one of two groups: Vida Ativa Melhorando a Saúde ...

Exercício cíclico na saúde cardiovascular da mulher: uma análise pela variabilidade da frequência cardíaca

Fisioter. Bras; 20 (6), 2019
Introdução: Doenças cardiovasculares permanecem como a principal causa de morte em mulheres. Alguns recursos, como a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC), permitem predizer os riscos de intercorrências. Esta análise permite verificar de forma não invasiva as influências do sistema nervoso ...

Vitamin D, vitamin D binding protein, vitamin D receptor levels and cardiac dysautonomia in patients with multiple sclerosis: a cross-sectional study

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 77 (12), 2019
ABSTRACT Vitamin D is a pleiotropic steroid hormone that modulates the autonomic balance. Its deficiency has been described as an environmental risk factor for multiple sclerosis (MS). The aim of this study was to investigate the serum levels of vitamin D, vitamin D binding protein (VDBP) and vitamin D r...

Influences on the Functional Behavior of Great Arteries during Orthostasis

Arq. bras. cardiol; 113 (6), 2019
Abstract Background: Arterial compliance reduction has been associated with aging and hypertension in supine position. However, the dynamic effects of orthostatism on aortic distensibility has not been defined. Objective: We sought to determine the orthostatic influence and the interference of age, blo...

The effects of remifentanil used during cesarean section on oxidative stress markers in correlation with maternal hemodynamics and neonatal outcome: a randomized controlled trial

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 69 (6), 2019
Abstract Background and objective: Remifentanil is used to attenuate maternal hemodynamic response to intubation and surgical stress during Induction-Delivery period of cesarean section. The goal was to compare the effects of two remifentanil dosing regimens on oxidative stress level, in correlation wit...

Repercussões do destreinamento físico no sistema cardiovascular, massa corporal e perfil lipídico

O presente manuscrito teve por objetivo a revisão de literatura sobre os efeitos do destreinamento (DT) no sistema cardiovascular e em fatores de risco cardiovasculares, tais como massa corporal, adiposidade e perfil lipídico. Para isso, uma ampla pesquisa da literatura nas bases de dados PubMed, S...

Exercício físico e pressão arterial: efeitos, mecanismos, influências e implicações na hipertensão arterial

O exercício físico é recomendado no tratamento da hipertensão arterial. Agudamente, a execução do exercício promove aumento da pressão arterial (PA), mas, no período de recuperação pós-exercício, é possível evidenciar redução da PA e, principalmente, após um período de treinamento fí...

Association between heart rate, heart rate variability, cortisol, glucose and electrolytes in healthy newborn calves

This study aims at evaluating the effects of electrolytes, glucose and cortisol levels over heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) in healthy newborn calves. Seventeen healthy Holstein calves were evaluated during their first month of life, and the plasma concentrations of glucose, cortisol, ca...