Results: 245

Relação entre classificações de risco utilizadas para organização da demanda em saúde bucal em município de pequeno porte de São Paulo, Brasil

Resumo As Equipes de Saúde Bucal podem trabalhar tanto com informações das populações relacionadas ao contexto familiar como epidemiológicas individuais, através de classificações de risco pensando em equidade e organização do serviço. O propósito do estudo foi avaliar a associação entre f...

The Effect of FRAX on the Prediction of Osteoporotic Fractures in Urban Middle-aged and Elderly Healthy Chinese Adults

Clinics; 72 (5), 2017
OBJECTIVE: We aimed to analyze the applicability of a fracture risk assessment tool for the prediction of osteoporotic fractures in middle-aged and elderly healthy Chinese adults. METHODS: A standard questionnaire was administered, and bone mineral density was measured in residents visiting the Dongliu ...

Degree of Agreement between Cardiovascular Risk Stratification Tools

Arq. bras. cardiol; 108 (5), 2017
Abstract Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Brazil, and primary prevention care may be guided by risk stratification tools. The Framingham (FRS) and QRISK-2 (QRS) risk scores estimate 10-year overall cardiovascular risk in asymptomatic individuals...

Sexual addiction in drug addicts: The impact of drug of choice and poly-addiction

Summary Objective: To compare the risk of comorbid sexual addiction in a sample of individuals with a diagnosis of substance dependence, stratifying the sample by drug of choice as well as by mono versus polysubstance addiction. Method: All data were collected at Santa Casa de São Paulo, Brazil. The s...

Association between language and hearing disorders - risk identification

Clinics; 72 (4), 2017
OBJECTIVE: To identify children at risk for hearing and/or language disorders and to investigate the association between these risks by conducting pre-validated hearing and language screenings. METHODS: The study was conducted during a polio vaccination campaign in August of 2013 in basic health units i...

Validation of german aortic valve score in a multi-surgeon single center

Abstract OBJECTIVE: Risk assessment for operative mortality is mandatory for all cardiac operations. For some operation types such as aortic valve repair, EuroSCORE II overestimates the mortality rate and a new scoring system (German AV score) has been developed for a more accurate assessment of operati...

Marcadores séricos del primer trimestre y riesgo obstétrico en una población con alta prevalencia de obesidad
First-trimester serum markers and obstetric risk in a population with a high prevalence of obesity

Objetivo: La detección precoz del riesgo de complicaciones de la gestación como preeclampsia, parto pretérmino, y aborto, permitiría evitar morbimortalidad y secuelas. Hemos estudiado la relación entre niveles bajos de PAPP-A y BhCG con malos resultados obstétricos en una población con alta preval...

Superioridad del nuevo puntaje de riesgo ACC/AHA 2013 por sobre el puntaje de Framingham, en la predicción de riesgo de mortalidad cardiovascular en Santiago

Rev. méd. Chile; 145 (3), 2017
Background: Recently, the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) proposed a new cardiovascular risk (CV) score. Aim: To evaluate the new risk score (ACC/AHA 2013) in a Chilean population. Material and Methods: Between 2002 and 2014, body mass index (BMI), waist circumfere...

Diagnostic models of the pre-test probability of stable coronary artery disease: A systematic review

Clinics; 72 (3), 2017
A comprehensive search of PubMed and Embase was performed in January 2015 to examine the available literature on validated diagnostic models of the pre-test probability of stable coronary artery disease and to describe the characteristics of the models. Studies that were designed to develop and validate ...

Estimation of cardiovascular risk and detection of subclinical carotid atheromatosis in patients with diabetes without a history of cardiovascular disease

ABSTRACT Objectives Cardiovascular risk estimated by several scores in patients with diabetes mellitus without a cardiovascular disease history and the association with carotid atherosclerotic plaque (CAP) were the aims of this study. Materials and methods Cardiovascular risk was calculate using Unit...