El COVID-19 género una pandemia, el cual avanzo por diversos países del mundo, en Perú a inicios del mes de marzo se reportó los primeros casos y la región Puno no fue ajena a esta crisis mundial de salud. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo principal analizar la relación de la neu...
Introducción: La pandemia del COVID-19, nos acompaña desde marzo de 2020,
trayendo una serie de medidas de confinamiento y alteración de las rutinarias diarias para
controlar su expansión. Estos cambios alterarían la salud mental, tanto de los niños con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA), como ...
Questionamo-nos se a vinculação da covid-19 ao significante "guerra" poderia esvaziar a força legal da Declaração dos Direitos Humanos, atingindo-a em seu pilar fundamental: a dignidade humana. Retomamos as considerações de Clausewitz, para quem, não se constituindo como episódio inesperado, a g...
La pandemia de virus Covid-19 ha alterado significativamene la vida social, económica, emocional del mundo entero. Especialmente ha afectado las necesidades básicas de los seres humanos, desde el nivel de la supervivencia hasta las dimensiones psicosociales, en cuanto al contacto, apego, pertenencia so...
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the COVID-19 pandemic and what we have (re)learned from the world experience of adopting prevention measures recommended by the World Health Organization as well as the epidemiological overview in the world, in Latin America and in Brazil. Results: the World Health Organi...
ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the actions performed by nurses from the mobile pre-hospital service before, during, and after consultations and transfers of suspected and/or confirmed patients of Covid-19, and the limitations found by these professionals on reducing exposure to the disease. Method: a ...
ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the bibliometric indicators of scientific production available in online journals that address Covid-19. Method: bibliometric study using Bradford's Law, network maps and textual statistics conducted with publications available in databases, from January to March 2020....
ABSTRACT Objective: to map the literature on mental illness in the general population and in health professionals during the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: scoping review in the MEDLINE/PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science, PsycINFO, Science Direct databases and in the medRxiv, bioRxiv and PsyArXiv preprint se...