Introduction: the in vitro study compared the dynamic cyclic fatigue resistance of 3 reciprocating NiTi files with heat treatment. Methods: we distributed 30 new endodontic files in three groups. The endodontic files selected for this experiment were: AF Blue R3 25/06 (AFB) (Fanta Dental, Shanghai, China...
ABSTRACT Objective: Establish the frequency of incidences, management, and description of the relationship between thoracic and abdominal trauma and spinal injury. Methods: Observational, retrospective study of quantitative analysis carried out through the analysis of medical records of patients who pr...
Introducción: el enclavijamiento endomedular (EE) es una opción terapéutica para fracturas de la diáfisis humeral; sin embargo, algunos pacientes tratados con EE desarrollan signos de pinzamiento subacromial y disminución de la fuerza en movimientos de flexión y abducción.Objetivo: evaluar el impa...
ABSTRACT: Objective: To determine the epidemic profile of patients with spinal fractures referred for evaluation by Spine Group of IOT-HCFMUSP between 2019 and 2022. To enable the effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on these epidemic profiles. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of pati...
ABSTRACT: Objective: To study the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on spine surgeries at a Reference Center for High Complexity Urgencies in Goiás. Methods: A retrospective, observational study was carried out based on data from medical records of patients undergoing spine surgery between September 2017...
Introducción: los síntomas, signos y hallazgos imagenológicos e histológicos del quiste óseo aneurismático (QOA) y el osteosarcoma telangiectásico (OT) son similares, por lo que constituyen uno de los diagnósticos diferenciales más difíciles de establecer.Presentación del caso: mujer de 19 añ...
ABSTRACT: Objective: To evaluate the clinical and epidemiological profile of patients diagnosed with spinal fractures treated at Hospital Regional de São José Dr. Homero de Miranda Gomes (HRSJ), from the municipality of São José/SC, from March 2020 to March 2021. Methods: An observational study was c...
Introducción: la osteogénesis imperfecta (OI) es el trastorno óseo hereditario más común con incidencia mundial de 1 en 10.000 a 25.000 nacimientos, causado por mutaciones de los genes que codifican las cadenas del colágeno tipo I. La mayoría presenta patrón de herencia autosómico dominante. Las...
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the donor site morbidity of iliac and fibular nonvascularized bone graft after mandibular resection. Material and Methods: This study was guided by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) in PubMed, Proquest, Science Direct, and Eb...
ABSTRACT. It is important to evaluate the home environment because most fractures in older adults are caused by falls indoors. However, previous studies have not separated individual abilities from environments. Also, the interrelationship between falls, cognitive function, and home environments has not ...