Results: 55

Safety of Transrectal or Transvaginal Drainage of Pelvic Abscesses

Abstract Objective The literature on the safety and long-term sequelae of transrectal and transvaginal drainage of pelvic abscesses is limited. We evaluated the outcomes and safety of pelvic abscess drainage by interventional radiology at our institution. Methods After obtaining institutional review ...

Management of rectal stump leak following emergency Hartmann's procedure

ABSTRACT We report on the management of three cases of rectal stump leak and sepsis following urgent Hartmann's procedure for perforated sigmoid diverticulitis or large bowel obstruction. Two patients had significant risk factors for poor tissue healing. All patients developed features of sepsis and comp...

Impacto de la infección por SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) en el tratamiento de una lesión duodenal por arma de fuego

Rev. argent. cir; 112 (4), 2020
RESUMEN Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente con traumatismo abdominal por herida de arma de fuego (HAF). En otra institución se realizó cirugía de exclusión pilórica y hepatorrafia por lesión hepatoduo denal. Fue derivado a nuestra institución a las 12 horas posoperatorias. Intercurre en e...

Eficacia y seguridad del drenaje ecoendoscópico de colecciones líquidas peripancreáticas en un hospital de referencia

RESUMEN Introducción: El drenaje guiado por ecoendoscopía es considerado como la mejor opción para el drenaje de las colecciones liquidas peripancreáticas. No hay reportes en nuestro medio de la experiencia en esta terapia endoscópica. Objetivos: detallar las características, eficacia y segurid...

Tratamento cirúrgico de pneumonia necrosante em crianças em um período de 10 anos

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 47 (), 2020
RESUMO Objetivo: A pneumonia necrosante (PNS) é uma grave e rara complicação da pneumonia adquirida na comunidade, acometendo principalmente crianças, sendo assim, objetivamos analisar prontuários de crianças submetidas ao tratamento cirúrgico de PNS e comparação dos resultados obtidos com os p...

Traditional chest drainage versus drainage by thoracotomy: a prospective randomized study

ABSTRACT Objective To compare the chest tube drainage by the same thoracotomy intercostal space with the traditional approach in patients undergoing muscle-sparing thoracotomy. Methods We evaluated 40 patients aged ≥18 years who underwent elective muscle sparing thoracotomies. Patients were div...

Incidência de seroma em abdominoplastia com e sem uso de drenos e pontos de adesão: revisão sistemática e metanálise

Rev. bras. cir. plást; 34 (4), 2019
Introdução: A abdominoplastia é um procedimento para a melhoria do contorno corporal e a técnica tem sido aprimorada pela associação da dissecção limitada do retalho cutâneo e pontos de adesão no mesmo ato operatório, evitando-se a formação de seroma pós-abdominoplastia, complicação que i...

A dedicated stitch to allow early safe mobilization avoiding drain-induced heart injury

Abstract Placement of a mediastinal drain is a routine procedure following heart surgery. Postoperative bed rest is often imposed due to the fear of potential risk of drain displacement and cardiac injury. We developed an encapsulating stitch as a feasible, effective and low-cost technique, which does no...

Successful medical drainage and surgical treatment for vertebral osteomyelitis and bilateral psoas abscess with gas formation caused by klebsiella pneumoniae in a diabetic patient

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: We describe the case of a diabetic patient who developed vertebral osteomyelitis and bilateral psoas abscess with gas formation due to klebsiella pneumoniae. METHODS: A 64-year-old woman with a 4-year history of type-2 diabetes mellitus was admitted to the Emergency Department. The s...

Treatment of pericardial effusion through subxiphoid tube pericardiostomy and computerized tomography- or echocardiography - guided percutaneous catheter drainage methods

Abstract Objective: In this retrospective study, we aimed to observe the efficacy of pericardial effusion (PE) treatments by a survey conducted at the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Atatürk University. Methods: In order to get comparable results, the patients with PE were d...