Este estudo teve como objeto a prática da Educação Permanente em Saúde (EPS) realizada pelo Enfermeiro da Estratégia de Saúde da Família. A prática da Educação Permanente em Saúde é de suma importância para qualificar a força de trabalho no SUS como também para consolidá-lo, tendo como re...
RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir las representaciones sociales de las enfermeras comunitarias sobre los aspectos éticos y legales en el uso terapéutico de plantas medicinales, como parte de los cuidados. Material y Métodos: Estudio cualitativo, descriptivo, hermenéutico, delineado por medio de las Represe...
ABSTRACT Objectives: to reflect on professional, user and family autonomy as a centrality in Best Practices in nursing in Brazil. Methods: this is a theoretical-reflective study. Results: from a retrospective look at the creation and evolution of nursing autonomy in its knowledge and care practices, i...
ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze nursing actions involving health advocacy in the context of primary health care and the consolidation of this right to health. Methods: this is an integrative literature review with content analysis of the results on health advocacy and its relationship with nursing in t...
ABSTRACT Objectives: to identify emancipatory strategies to strengthen the social protagonism of recyclable materials collectors in the light of entrepreneurial Nursing care. Methods: qualitative study carried out in two stages: field approach from healthcare interventions in a Recycling Materials Asso...
La morbilidad materna y perinatal asociada
a la ruptura prematura de membranas constituye un problema social y de salud importante, por lo que es primordial estimar su
frecuencia y magnitud. Este artículo condensa las intervenciones de enfermería en
paciente con ruptura prematura de membranas aplicando...
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify critical requirements for nursing practice when responding to hydrological disasters in the rural area. Method: A descriptive, exploratory and qualitative study was developed. The Critical Incidents Technique was adopted. Twenty public health nurses who worked during the...
Objetivo: Identificar produções acadêmicas, nos programas stricto sensu de enfermagem, onde se adota referencial de Thompson e discutir concepções teórico-metodológicas e contribuição de Thompson para o conhecimento e prática da Enfermagem. Método: Estudo descritivo-documental, reflexivo, cuja...
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the knowledge produced on business entrepreneurship in Nursing. Method: Integrative literature review in the following databases: Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), EMBASE, SCOPUS, Web of Science, PubMed, Medline, Latin American and Caribb...
ABSTRACT Objective: To discuss the process of transition to motherhood and mothering of women who are wheelchair users, from the perspective of Afaf Ibrahim Meleis. Method: Qualitative, descriptive, exploratory study conducted with six women in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The Life Narrative method was...
Personas con Discapacidad/psicología,
Personas con Discapacidad/rehabilitación,
Acontecimientos que Cambian la Vida,
Relaciones Madre-Hijo,
Madres/estadística & datos numéricos,
Responsabilidad Parental/psicología,
Responsabilidad Parental/tendencias,
Investigación Cualitativa,
Silla de Ruedas/efectos adversos,
Silla de Ruedas/psicología