Resumen La patología quirúrgica de la vía aérea pediátrica suele ser desafiante. Una visualización adecuada de las estructuras faríngeas y laríngeas es absolutamente necesaria para su correcto diagnóstico y tratamiento. Distintos instrumentos, como laringoscopios de intubación, laringoscopios d...
INTRODUCTION: Orotracheal intubation is one of the medical skills that has gained the most importance for the management of the airway of hospitalized patients with severe COVID-19 symptoms. OBJECTIVE: To determine the number of videolaryngoscopies that the operator must perform to master orotracheal int...
Proper management of the airway as anesthesiologists is essential to avoid respiratory complications and the development of new technologies has allowed every day the possibility of a safer anesthetic management, this is how ultrasound has had great relevance today, since it allows perform increasingly s...
Introduction: The rapid intubation sequence is a basic intervention for the management of the airway in the emergency department. The use of neuromuscular blockers is essential for this intervention. Succinylcholine and rocuronium being the most used, which present pharmacological differences between the...
BACKGROUND: Clinical simulation allows the acquisition of procedural skills among medical students. The anticipatory study of these skills may improve the efficiency of simulation sessions. Aim: To Compare two anticipatory study guides in the simulation of airway management, in a cohort of medical studen...
En pacientes con infección por SARS-CoV-2 la intubación endotraqueal es un procedimiento con riesgo elevado de contagio. La videolaringoscopia complementa la protección del profesional, pero los videolaringoscopios comerciales son caros y no siempre están disponibles en las tera...
Abstract This patient was a 73-year-old man who initially came to our service with acute respiratory failure secondary to COVID-19. Soon after hospitalization, he was submitted to orotracheal intubation and placed in the prone position to improve hypoxia, due to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). ...