Results: 25

Estenosis de la apertura piriforme y síndrome de incisivo central único: casos clínicos

El síndrome incisivo central único es un trastorno que involucra anomalías de la línea media. Se puede presentar con dificultad respiratoria poniendo en peligro la vida del recién nacido, debido a malformaciones nasales. Estas malformaciones incluyen atresia de coanas y la estenosis de la apertura d...

Impact of rapid maxillary expansion on nasomaxillary complex volume in mouth-breathers

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the volumetric changes that occur in the nasomaxillary complex of mouth-breathing patients with transverse maxillary deficiency subjected to rapid maxillary expansion (RME). Methods: This was a controlled, prospective intervention study involving 38 mouth-breathing patie...

Premaxilla: an independent bone that can base therapeutics for middle third growth!

ABSTRACT Premaxilla, in its early descriptions, had the participation of Goethe. In our face, in a certain period of growth and development processes, premaxilla is an independent and, then, a semi-independent bone to finally be totally integrated to the maxilla. Formation of the premaxilla acts as a sta...

Non-surgical treatment of transverse deficiency in adults using Microimplant-assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion (MARPE)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Maxillary transverse deficiency is a highly prevalent malocclusion present in all age groups, from primary to permanent dentition. If not treated on time, it can aggravate and evolve to a more complex malocclusion, hindering facial growth and development. Aside from the occlusal c...

Risk of developing palatally displaced canines in patients with early detectable dental anomalies: a retrospective cohort study

J. appl. oral sci; 24 (6), 2016
ABSTRACT The early recognition of risk factors for the occurrence of palatally displaced canines (PDC) can increase the possibility of impaction prevention. Objective To estimate the risk of PDC occurrence in children with dental anomalies identified early during mixed dentition. Material and Methods ...

Dental and skeletal effects of combined headgear used alone or in association with rapid maxillary expansion

Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the effects of combined headgear used alone or in association with rapid maxillary expansion, as the first step for Class II malocclusion treatment.Methods:The sample comprised 61 patients divided into three groups: Group 1, combined headgear (CH); Group 2, ...

Immediate impact of rapid maxillary expansion on upper airway dimensions and on the quality of life of mouth breathers

OBJECTIVE: To assess short-term tomographic changes in the upper airway dimensions and quality of life of mouth breathers after rapid maxillary expansion (RME). METHODS: A total of 25 mouth breathers with maxillary atresia and a mean age of 10.5 years old were assessed by means of cone-beam computed tomo...

An interview with Sylvia Frazier-Bowers


Anomalías en el Desarrollo y Formación Dental: Odontodisplasia

El papel que desempeñan las alteraciones genéticas en el desarrollo dental es fundamental. Se ha descubierto que si no existe una correcta expresión del gen o se da una mutación de este, el individuo podría presentar ausencias o malformaciones de estructuras de la boca. Por esta razón se describe l...

Estudo cefalométrico das características tegumentares de pacientes com má oclusão de Classe III

Introdução: A má oclusão de Classe III é uma discrepância anteroposterior, que pode ser caracterizada por crescimento mandibular excessivo e/ou retrusão maxilar. Objetivo: Avaliar as características tegumentares de pacientes Classe III na cidade de Mossoró, Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, além d...