Stridor is a musical, often high-pitched sound produced by a rapid, turbulent flow of air through a narrowed segment of the large airways. The cause of stridor can be located anywhere in the extrathoracic airway (nose, pharynx, larynx, and trachea) or the intrathoracic airway (tracheobronchial tree). Str...
Introducción. La escala de Tal modificada es utilizada en Chile para determinar la gravedad de la obstrucción bronquial. Existen informes de su validez; sin embargo, carece de antecedentes del análisis de su estructura como escala para cuantificar de forma significativa la gravedad de la obstrucción ...
Paradoxical vocal cord motion or vocal cord dysfunction is a descriptive term for an inappropriate adduction of the vocal cords during respiration, which can cause respiratory obstruction and stridor. It is associated with psychiatric conditions in the great majority of cases. We report a 23 year-old hig...
Preschool wheezing is one of the most common presenting symptoms in pediatric practice. The vast majority of these patients present wheeze triggered by viral respiratory infections and only a minority of them will have asthma in school age. The evaluation of these children begin with a detailed clinical ...
La obstrucción aguda de la vía aérea superior se presenta típicamente con estridor inspiratorio y/o espiratorio y la fibrobroncoscopía puede revelar una causa orgánica. Sin embargo, en los últimos años se ha descrito una alteración paradojal de las cuerdas, capaz de producir estridor y sibilanci...