Results: 5427

Risk factors for seroconversion of HIV among children exposed in the State of Santa Catarina, 2007-2017

Abstract Objectives: to estimate the proportion of seroconversion cases among infants exposed to HIV and verify the risk factors associated. Methods: this was a historical cohort study conducted in the State of Santa Catarina between 2007 and 2017. The data were obtained from the Notifable Diseases Inf...

Analysis of the time series of pertussis in Brazil from 2010 to 2019

Abstract Objectives: to analyze a decade of spatio-temporal behavior of pertussis in Brazil and its epidemiological characteristics. Methods: ecological time series study of pertussis cases and deaths from the Notifable Diseases Information System in Brazil (2010-2019). The method of generalized linear...

Prevalence of Preeclampsia in Brazil: An Integrative Review

Abstract Objective To review literature and estimate the occurrence of preeclampsia and its complications in Brazil. Methods We performed an integrative review of the literature, and included observational studies published until August 2021 on the SciELO and PubMed databases that evaluated preeclampsi...

Acidentes com animais peçonhentos no Brasil: uma revisão integrativa

Considerados como doenças negligenciadas pela Organização Mundial de Saúde, os acidentes com animais peçonhentos são de grande relevância média por apresentarem altos índices de mortalidade e morbidade. Objetivo - O objetivo desta revisão é apresentar os aspectos epidemiológicos e clínicos d...

COVID-19 in children in Espirito Santo State - Brazil

Abstract Objectives: to characterize school-aged children, adolescents, and young people's profile and their associations with positive COVID-19 test results. Methods: an observational and descriptive study of secondary data from the COVID-19 Panel in Espírito Santo State in February to August 2020. P...

Management strategies for implementing a multicenter cross-sectional study: lessons from the ADHERE Brazil study

Säo Paulo med. j; 140 (3), 2022
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Epidemiological studies involving large samples usually face financial and operational challenges. OBJECTIVES: To describe the planning and execution of ADHERE Brazil, an epidemiological study on 1,105 kidney transplant patients, and report on how the study was structured, difficul...