Results: 1207

Development and validation of process indicators of the quality of nursing care for the elderly

ABCS health sci; 46 (), 2021
INTRODUCTION: Quality indicators are important for service management. However, in primary care, there is a shortage of indicators specifically regarding the elderly population. OBJECTIVE: To build and validate process indicators of the quality of nursing care for the elderly. METHODS: This is a methodol...

Factors associated to multimorbidity in inpatient elderly according to sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle and use of services

ABCS health sci; 46 (), 2021
INTRODUCTION: Aging is a physiological process associated to decreased functional capacity and the presence of diseases, especially chronic noncommunicable diseases. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the prevalence and factors associated to the multimorbidity of elderly in a teaching hospital, according to sociodemo...

Leisure-time physical activity among older adults in Brazil: results from the Brazilian National Health Survey – 2013

ABCS health sci; 46 (), 2021
INTRODUCTION: Health behaviors are fundamental for healthy aging. In this sense, the practice of physical activity is one of the most beneficial factors for the health of individuals. OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence of leisure-time physical activity among the older adults and analyze in terms of so...

Analysis of anthropometric indicators used in the nutritional assessment of active elderly in the city of Macaé, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

ABCS health sci; 46 (), 2021
INTRODUCTION: Body composition changes related to aging alter the capacity of predicting risk through anthropometric parameters. OBJECTIVE: To discuss methodological aspects of anthropometry in active elderly based on associations between Body Mass Index (BMI) and other nutritional indicators. METHODS: C...

Impact of equine assisted therapy on the cardiovascular parameters of the elderly

ABCS health sci; 46 (), 2021
INTRODUCTION: Physical activity programs in the elderly aim to prevent and/or reduce the functional decline resulting from the senescence process. Several studies provide evidence that Equine Assisted Therapy (EAT) is an effective means of improving health. However, studies addressing the effects of EATo...

Rheumatic diseases and associated factors in older adults: a Brazilian populationbased study

ABCS health sci; 46 (), 2021
INTRODUCTION: Rheumatic diseases have high occurrence in older adults, which may lead to a reduction in independence and quality of life. OBJECTIVE: To calculate prevalence and to identify factors associated with rheumatic diseases in older adults of the urban area of a municipality in Southern Brazil. M...

Geriatría vs Geriatrización. Una mirada ética y sistémica a los recursos humanos para la atención especializada al anciano
Geriatrics vs Geriatrification. A systemic and ethic look at the human resources for the specialized elder people's care

Rev. medica electron; 43 (1), 2021

Qualidade de vida de idosos brasileiros e portugueses: uma análise comparativa
Quality of Life in Older Adults in Brazil and Portugal: A Comparative Analysis

Introdução: A longevidade tornou-se uma das maiores conquistas da segunda metade do século XX. Objetivo: Comparar a qualidade de vida de idosos brasileiros e portugueses usuários da atenção primária à saúde. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo quantitativo, transversal e comparativo, aplicado a amostra...

O papel do gerontólogo nas universidades da terceira idade durante a pandemia de covid-19: estudo de caso

As Universidades da Terceira Idade (U3As) geralmente visam promover o envelhecimento saudável com atividades educacionais e sociais, mas desde 2020, o isolamento social da pandemia de Covid-19 tem exigido uma reorganização desses programas. Este artigo discute as possibilidades de intervenções e pra...

Controle glicêmico de idosos com diabetes: caracterização e fatores associados

Objetivos: avaliar o controle glicêmico de idosos com diabetes mellitus (DM) atendidos num Centro Estadual de Atenção Especializada (CEAE) e conhecer seus fatores associados. Métodos: estudo investigativo e retrospectivo realizado com idosos que possuem DM, atendidos no referido centro. As variáveis...