Results: 3279

The effect of matinal active walking on cognitive, fine motor coordination task performances and perceived difficulty in 12-13 young school boys

Motriz (Online); 24 (4), 2018
The current study examined the relationship between cognitive performances (executive function, selective attention and reaction time), fine motor coordination skills and perceived difficulty after active transport to school. Method: Fifteen right-handed children’s underwent session, 15-min walking s...

Prevalence and factors associated with sedentary behavior in the school recess among adolescents

Motriz (Online); 24 (4), 2018
To estimate the prevalence of sedentary behavior in school recess and to verify sociodemographic factors (sex, age, economic level and type of school), anthropometric indicators (body mass index [BMI] and waist circumference) and lifestyle (level of physical activity and eating habits) associated with ad...

Failure to Produce False Memories Through the Stimulus Equivalence Paradigm

Abstract Stimulus equivalence has been adopted as a behavioral explanation for false memories. The present study aimed to test false memories using lists compound of equivalent stimuli. 10 undergraduate students learned three 4-member (Classes 1, 2, 3) and three 12-member equivalence classes (Classes 4, ...

A study of the relationship between adverse childhood experiences, life events, and executive function among college students in China

Psicol. reflex. crit; 31 (), 2018
Abstract Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of adverse childhood experiences and life events on the inhibitory control ability, cognitive flexibility, and working memory of college students. Methods: The study involved testing the participants using the Adverse Childhood Ex...

Construction and validity evidence of a scale for coping with difficult social academic interpersonal situations

Psicol. reflex. crit; 31 (), 2018
Abstract The aim of this study was to develop a scale to investigate the ways of coping with interpersonal situations considered difficult in the Brazilian university context. The items were based on the results of a study previously obtained in a focus group with university students. The first steps of ...

Impressões auditivas da voz do professor na percepção de alunos, professores e leigos

Audiol., Commun. res; 23 (), 2018
RESUMO Objetivo Comparar as impressões auditivas de estudantes, professores e leigos para a voz, na docência do ensino fundamental. Métodos Estudo transversal formado por três grupos: 104 alunos; 40 professores e 40 não professores. O objeto de estudo foi um banco de 14 vozes, composto pela voz ...

Sexual behaviors: study in the youth

Einstein (Säo Paulo); 16 (3), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To characterize sexual behaviors in a sample of adolescents and youth. Methods: An analytical descriptive study using a questionnaire about sexual behaviors, adapted from the World Health Organization. It was distributed to students from a Portuguese city aged 14-24 years, during tw...

The Doctor of Medicine (Paediatrics) Programme at The University of the West Indies, Mona at 45 years, 1972-2017

West Indian med. j; 67 (spe), 2018
ABSTRACT The Doctor of Medicine (DM) in Paediatrics Programme began in 1972 in Jamaica and was the first four-year clinical residency programme to be offered at The University of the West Indies (UWI). The DM Paediatrics programme trains residents for four-years and equips them after completion to practi...

Ditado de sintagmas nominais para avaliação da escrita: análise psicométrica

CoDAS; 30 (3), 2018
Resumo Objetivo Construir uma lista de sintagmas nominais capaz de caracterizar desempenhos segundo o ano escolar. Método Uma lista de 25 sintagmas nominais foi elaborada para ditado, aplicada a 275 estudantes típicos, do 2o ao 5o ano do Ensino Fundamental I. A unidimensionalidade subjacente aos it...

Masking Level Difference em escolares: análises ambientais

CoDAS; 30 (3), 2018
RESUMO Objetivo Pesquisar a habilidade auditiva de atenção seletiva na população escolar e identificar valores de referência para a faixa etária de sete a dez anos por meio do teste Masking Level Difference, além de identificar se a escolaridade dos pais, bem como a renda familiar, pode influenc...