Results: 1094

Barreras identificadas por pacientes con diabetes mellitus de tipo 2 en su atención integral
Barriers identified for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in their integral care

Medisan; 25 (2), 2021
Introducción: La diabetes mellitus de tipo 2 es un problema de salud a escala mundial. Existe interés creciente por la calidad de la atención integral a nivel primario y centrada en el paciente. Objetivo: Identificar las principales barreras desde la perspectiva de las personas con diabetes mellitu...

Os desafios do trabalho de grupo no núcleo de prevenção à violência na UBS Vila Maggi

RESUMO A violência é um fenômeno complexo e multifatorial, que se configura como problema social com forte impacto na saúde. No território de abrangência da UBS Vila Maggi, acolhemos cotidianamente diversos tipos de violências relacionados ao contexto familiar. Entendendo que todos os grupos popul...

Doença renal crônica: a voz dos familiares quanto ao atendimento recebido

Objetivo: Avaliar a percepção dos familiares quanto a atenção à saúde prestada no Sistema Único de Saúde para pacientes que foram a óbito e eram portadores de insuficiência renal crônica. Métodos: Foram realizadas entrevistas com familiares de pacientes falecidos por doença renal crônica...

Tareas docentes para la formación investigativo-laboral y de gestión del conocimiento desde Enfermería Ginecobstetricia

Edumecentro; 13 (1), 2021
RESUMEN Fundamento: la estrategia curricular de formación investigativo-laboral y gestión del conocimiento contribuye al desarrollo de habilidades en los estudiantes para la educación permanente. Objetivo: diseñar tareas docentes para la implementación de la estrategia curricular de formación i...

Extramural gerontology management devising an integrating record for a geriatric care service, an experience report

Dement. neuropsychol; 15 (1), 2021
ABSTRACT. The Gerontological Care Plan is idealized through case management that includes in its aspect engaging the elderly, self-care and the acquisition and maintenance of health-promoting behaviors. Objective: To evaluate the importance of a gerontological care plan, in a geriatric service of a refe...

Norma técnica de salud para la Atención Integral de las Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes infectados por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH)
Technical health standard for the Comprehensive Care of Girls, Boys and Adolescents infected by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

La publicación describe las pautas para establecer los procesos técnico asistenciales para la atención integral de niñas, niños y adolescentes menores de 18 años, viviendo con VIH (NAVV) en los establecimientos de salud en el Perú, así como los procesos de tamizaje, diagnóstico precoz, tratamien...

Challenges to access health faced by rural population and their perception regarding healthcare

Acta sci., Health sci; 43 (), 2021
The Brazilian nation has rich population diversity, and this makes it responsible for guaranteeing the social rights of all. In this perspective, this research seeks to categorize which are the main challenges in access to health that the rural populations face and to understan...

Occupational health network: study of the nurses’ work process

ABCS health sci; 46 (), 2021
INTRODUCTION: Nurses, professionals recognized in the health field for their competence to care, are part of the multiprofessional team of the occupational health network. Therefore, they are inserted in the Reference Centers in Occupational Health, in medium and high complexity services and in the manag...

Assistance strategies for women victims of genderbased violence during the COVID-19 pandemic

ABCS health sci; 46 (), 2021
The objective was to analyze the scientific evidence on assistance strategies provided to women, victims of gender violence, in several countries, in the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a narrative review of the literature, by searching PubMed, Scopus and Virtual Health Library databases, using the keywords “...