Results: 3066

Climacteric: intensity of symptoms and sexual performance

Texto & contexto enferm; 24 (1), 2015
This paper had the aim to checking the association between the intensity of climacteric symptoms and the pattern of sexual performance of women in this period of the life cycle. A transversal study conducted from July to September 2011 involving 260 climateric women of a physical exercise program. The wo...

Topics of pre-hospital care for schoolchildren: the perspective of professionals of the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU)

Texto & contexto enferm; 24 (1), 2015
This study aimed to investigate from the perspective of professional SAMU, the main themes of pre-hospital care (PHC), as subsidies for development of an educational tool focused on the school population. A qualitative study, four meetings in the focus group format, with 19 professional SAMU, in a munici...

Physical benefits and reduction of depressive symptoms among the elderly: Results from the Portuguese "National Walking Program"

The aim of this study was to investigate alterations in physical fitness and anthropometric parameters as well as depression symptoms among the elderly after participation in the "National Walking Program" (Portugal). The sample consisted of 26 elderly people over six months with a total of 72 exercise s...

Chronic non-communicable diseases, risk and health promotion: social construction of Vigitel participants

The dimension of choice and adherence to healthy lifestyles is in the area of social constructions made in representations of individuals and had not yet been included in the Surveillance of Risk and Protective Factors for Chronic Diseases by Telephone Survey (VIGITEL) analysis systems. This article aims...

Barriers to the involvement of the elderly in public services to promote physical activity

The aim of this study was to examine the sociodemographic, health and behavioural characteristics related to non-participation of elderly people in activities offered by the program PROETI Health of Uberaba, Minas Gerais state. Observational study, case-control design with pairing 1:1 and sample composed...

Promoção da alimentação saudável em escolas particulares
Promotion of healthy eating in private schools

Vigil. sanit. debate; 3 (1), 2015
A escola é ambiente indicado para promover hábitos alimentares saudáveis. A portaria do MEC/MS 1.010/06 instituiu várias diretrizes com esse fim. Objetivando verificar as condições de implantação dessa portaria, fizemos um estudo qualitativo em quatro escolas particulares de Manaus, licenciadas p...

La toma de la muestra de Papanicolaou en población indígena migrante en el noroeste de México: el caso del programa "Dile a una amiga"
The Pap test in indigenous migrants in northwestern Mexico: the case of the "Tell a friend" program

Salud pública Méx; 57 (1), 2015

Aportes y desafíos del enfoque de género en el estudio de las enfermedades transmitidas por vector

Salud pública Méx; 57 (1), 2015
Los determinantes sociales y el enfoque de género son un imperativo para comprender la vulnerabilidad de las poblaciones, sus riesgos de exposición, las condicionantes de su atención, y su organización y participación en la prevención y control de las enfermedades. El enfoque ecosistémico incorpor...

Criterios técnicos para el fortalecimiento del Centro de Promoción y Vigilancia Comunal (CPVC) del cuidado integral de la madre y el niño, planificación y programación en el programa articulado nutricional (PAN)
Technical conditions for strengthening the Center for Promotion and Community Surveillance (CPVC) comprehensive care of mother and child, planning and programming in the nutritional articulated program (PAN)

La publicación describe los criterios técnicos e intervenciones dirigidas a promover los cuidados de la madre gestante, las niñas y niños menores de 36 meses, con controles de salud de manera periódica y oportuna; educación en salud, prácticas saludables y generar condiciones favorables en la comu...