Results: 445

Oral Hygiene and Dentition Status in Patients with Congenital Hemorrhagic Disorders: A Comparative Study

Abstract Objective: To compare the status of oral hygiene and dentition in patients with congenital hemorrhagic disorders with their age-matched healthy counterparts. Also, the prevalence of fear of dentists/ dental treatment among these patients was assessed. Material and Methods: This study was perfo...

Characterization of Dental Surgeons of Pernambuco State in the COVID-19 Pandemic Context: Preliminary Data

Abstract Objective: To present the results of preliminary research on the characterization of dental surgeons in the state of Pernambuco, during a pandemic of COVID-19. Material and Methods: This is a cross-sectional, descriptive, and exploratory study, whose population was composed of dental surgeons...

Avanços e desafios na formação do cirurgião-dentista para sua inserção nas práticas de promoção da saúde

Physis (Rio J.); 30 (3), 2020
Resumo A formação dos recursos humanos em saúde deve preparar um profissional para atuar multi- e interdisciplinarmente, de forma integral em todos os níveis de atenção. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar avanços e desafios na formação do cirurgião-dentista após a promulgação das Diretri...

O cuidado no atendimento às crianças no consultório odontológico frente à pandemia da COVID-19

Arq. odontol; 56 (), 2020
Objetivo: O presente trabalho visa orientar o odontólogo sobre as novas regras de uso de EPIs, normas de biossegurança, técnicas odontológicas utilizadas no atendimento da criança, para que possamos realizar os procedimentos odontológicos com segurança antes, durante e após a pandemia...

Estrategias Psicoconductuales e información para Odontólogos y pacientes que requieran procedimientos de Odontología Pediátrica durante la etapa de la pandemia COVID-19

Ante la situación de pandemia por Coronavirus, se han desarrollado los siguientes documentos desde la Asociación Latinoamericana de Odontopediatría (ALOP), para apoyar a los Odontopediatras, a la comunidad y a las familias sobre cómo abordar la atención odontológica de los niños durante el períod...

Patients Attitudes Toward Chairside Medical Screening in a Dental Setting

Abstract Objective: To assess patient's attitudes toward chairside medical screening in a dental setting. Material and Methods: In this descriptive-analytic study, subjects referring to the dental school, dental offices, and clinics of Kerman were evaluated. Each subject filled a questionnaire containi...

Reliability of Two Methods of Evaluation of the Apical Limit of Obturation of Root Canals of Primary Teeth: A Pilot Study

Abstract Objective: To verify the concordance in the evaluation of the apical limit of obturation (ALO) in filled root canals of primary teeth between digital and visual methods. Material and Methods: Twenty periapical radiographs of endodontically treated primary teeth were digitalized and evaluated b...

Impact of teleconsultations on the conduct of oral health teams in the Telehealth Brazil Networks Programme

Abstract Telehealth has been applied in the Unified Health System (SUS) as a tool for qualifying professionals and improving the healthcare provided to the population served by the system. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of teleconsultations on the qualifications of the clinical a...

Defining the Prevalence of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization in Brazil

Abstract Objective: To define the prevalence of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) in Brazil since the reports ranged from 2.5% to 40.2%. Material and Methods: We studied 407 children from 7 to 14 years of age. MIH was measured using the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry criteria of 2003. Cl...