Results: 449

Psychometric properties of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument-Abbreviated version in Portuguese-speaking adults from three different countries

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the validity, reliability and invariance of the World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument-Abbreviated version (WHOQOL-Bref) in Portuguese-speaking adults from three different countries. Methods: A total of 4,020 Brazilian, Portuguese, and Mozambican individual...

Protecção social da velhice em Portugal. O caso particular dos lares de idosos

Rev. Kairós; 21 (1), 2018
A política de cuidados na velhice está relacionada com as alterações sociodemográficas, transformações na estrutura e dinâmica familiar, a individualização das relações sociais, centradas na autonomia e na independência. Estas alterações proporcionam uma “desproteção” aos idosos, ass...

Organização dos cuidados de reabilitação nas unidades de cuidados intensivos portuguesas

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever os diferentes modelos de prestação de cuidados de reabilitação em prática nas unidades de cuidados intensivos de adultos portuguesas. Métodos: Estudo observacional simples (transversal), realizado por meio de inquérito on-line enviado aos enfermeiros-chefes ou respons...

Portuguese Primary Care physicians response rate in surveys: A systematic review

Summary Introduction: Surveys are a useful tool in primary care. However, low response rates can introduce selection bias, impairing both external and internal validity. The aim of this study was to assess the average response rate in surveys with Portuguese general practitioners (GPs). Method: We sear...

Eletrólitos séricos e prognóstico em doentes submetidos a gastrostomia endoscópica

Arq. gastroenterol; 55 (1), 2018
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is a gold standard for long term enteral feeding. Neurologic dysphagia and head/neck cancer are the most common indications for PEG as they can lead to protein-energy malnutrition and serum electrolyte abnormalities, with potential negative...

Observação do comportamento neonatal: adaptação transcultural do newborn behavioral observations

Rev. paul. pediatr; 36 (1), 2018
RESUMO Objetivo: Realizar a adaptação transcultural para a língua portuguesa brasileira dos protocolos do sistema Newborn Behavioral Observations (NBO), novo recurso para observação do comportamento do bebê e compartilhamento de informações com os pais. Métodos: Estudo metodológico de tradu...

Predictores del compromiso organizacional en enfermería: Resultados desde Portugal
Predictors of Organizational Commitment in Nursing: Results from Portugal

Invest. educ. enferm; 36 (1), 2018
Objective. This work sought to assess the predictor role of work engagement and social support from the supervisor and coworkers on affective commitment with the organization in nursing staff from southern Portugal. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted with participation from 215 nursing profes...

Impact of written information on control and adherence in type 2 diabetes

Summary Introduction: Diabetes therapeutic education and information by leaflets is important. This study aimed to understand the effectiveness of written information to diabetic patients, after six months, in the control of diabetes and medication adherence. Method: Non-pharmacological clinical trial....

O Associativismo faz bem à saúde? O caso das doenças raras

Resumo Baseado no questionamento "O Mercado faz bem à Saúde?" de um trabalho inspirador, este artigo realiza um questionamento semelhante, centrado no associativismo e no campo das doenças raras. Partindo da pesquisa realizada no âmbito do Mestrado em Sociologia da Faculdade de Economia da Universida...

Applying the newman-peacock prognostic system to a portuguese obstetrical population - A useful tool?

Abstract Background External cephalic version (ECV) is a maneuver that enables the rotation of the non-cephalic fetus to a cephalic presentation. The Newman-Peacock (NP) index, which was proposed by Newman et al. in a study published in 1993, was described as a prediction tool of the success of this pr...