Abstract In December 2019, a striking appearance of new cases of viral pneumonia in Wuhan led to the detection of a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV2). By analyzing patients with severe manifestations, it became apparent that 20 to 35% of patients who died had preexisting cardiovascular disease. This finding ...
SUMMARY There is a new global pandemic that emerged in China in 2019 that is threatening different populations with severe acute respiratory failure. The disease has enormous potential for transmissibility and requires drastic governmental measures, guided by social distancing and the use of protective d...
SUMMARY BACKGROUND Easily accessible, inexpensive, and widely used laboratory tests that demonstrate the severity of COVID-19 are important. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between mortality in COVID-19 and platelet count, Mean Platelet Volume (MPV), and platelet dist...
Agotamiento Psicológico,
Infecciones por Coronavirus,
Cuidados Críticos,
Internado y Residencia,
Neumonía Viral,
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE The scientific community is constantly assessing the clinical and laboratory manifestations of COVID-19 in the organism. In view of the fragmentation of the large amount of information, knowledge gaps in relation to laboratory markers, and scarcity of papers in Portuguese, we propose ...
SUMMARY BACKGROUND Healthcare personnel are at risk of becoming infected while taking upper and/or lower respiratory tract specimens. Therefore, there is a need for sampling methods that do not risk infecting them. In this study, we aimed to compare the saliva and Oro-Nasopharyngeal Swab (ONS) sampling ...
Resumo A pandemia da COVID-19 é um problema de saúde pública global que imprimiu uma nova dinâmica à economia mundial. A rápida propagação da doença e o uso do distanciamento como forma de prevenção expuseram as desigualdades sociais e urbanas das cidades capitalistas. No Brasil, como em outro...
Resumen El Imperio Romano sufrió entre el siglo II y III dos grandes pestes, la Peste Antonina, de la cual existe bibliografía, y la Peste de Cipriano, que es menos conocida. Como una visión de conjunto, ambas pandemias se asemejan a la crisis que en el 2020 el coronavirus está generando en muchos as...
Resumen Existe la percepción general de que los estudiantes de medicina deben ayudar en caso de situaciones de desastre o en contingencias epidemiológicas; aunque es posible que no hayan sido debidamente educados para hacerlo. En últimas fechas, la participación de estudiantes es importante en activi...