Results: 267

Artritis reumatoide: guía clínica AUGE: serie guías clínicas MINSAL, 2014
Rheumatoid arthritis: AUGE clinical guide: MINSAL clinical guide series, 2014

OBJETIVOS -Preservar y mejorar la funcionalidad y calidad de vida en las personas con Artritis Reumatoide. -Funcionar como referencia para la atención de los pacientes adultos con Artritis Reumatoide a nivel nacional. -Reducir los síntomas y signos en los pacientes con AR. -Reducir la discapacidad en l...

Evaluation of the efficacy of pulsed electromagnetic therapy in the treatment of back pain: a randomized controlled trial in a tertiary hospital in Nigeria

West Indian med. j; 62 (3), 2013
Musculoskeletal system disorders (MSDs) are amongst the most commonly encountered problems in orthopaedics and physiotherapy practice all over the world and back pain is amongst the most prevalent of musculoskeletal presentations encountered in clinical practice. The attendant deformities, huge economic ...

Desarrollo de un medicamento analgésico tópico de Maytenus laevis Reissek (Chuchuguaso)

La investigación inicia con la recolección de la corteza de Maytenus laevis Reissek (Chuchuguaso) en la Provincia de Napo, luego se procedió a secar y moler para obtener el extracto Hidroalcohólico. Obtenido el extracto, se realiza la marcha Fitoquímica para conocer que metabolitos secundarios posee...

Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities of methanolic extract from red seaweed Dichotomaria obtusata

Braz. j. pharm. sci; 49 (1), 2013
The aim of the present work was to investigate the anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive effects of methanolic extract from D. obtusata using classic models in mice (croton oil-induced ear edema and acetic acid-induced writhing) and a phospholipase A2 activity test. Qualitative analysis of the chemical c...

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of several 4-substituted-6-(3'-nitrophenyl)pyridazin-(2H)-3-one derivatives

Braz. j. pharm. sci; 49 (4), 2013
Several 6-aryl-4-substituted benzylidene/furfurylidene pyridazin(2H)-3-one derivatives (4a-f) were synthesized and evaluated as analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents in mice and rats, respectively. All compounds were tested by using Eddy's hot plate and the carrageenan-induced hind paw oedema method for...

New Generation Antidepressants in Painful Diabetic Neuropathy

The incidence of diabetic neuropathy increases with the duration of diabetes and the degree of hyperglycaemia. Pain is one of the most common and incapacitating symptoms of diabetic neuropathy and its pharmacological control is complex. The effectiveness of antidepressive agents has been described in dif...

Uso de medicamentos sem prescrição médica em Teresina, PI

Objetivo: Investigar a prevalência de uso de medicamentos sem prescrição na população de Teresina-PI, as motivações de uso e as classes de medicamentos mais utilizadas. Métodos: Estudo transversal com amostra probabilística constituída por 464 adultos, residentes na zona urbana de Teresina-PI. ...

Efecto analgésico in vivo y espasmolítico ex vivo del extracto hidroalcohólico al 70% de Piperomia verroculosa Dahlstedt ex A.W. Hill.(Uchuy papa) en animales de experimentación
Ex vivo in vivo and spasmolytic analgesic effect of 70% hydroalcoholic extract of Piperomia verroculosa Dahlstedt ex A.W. Hill (Uchuy papa) in experimental animals

El cormo subgloboso de Peperomia verruculosa Dahlstedt ex A. W. Hill. (Uchuy papa), es utilizada en la medicina tradicional en desordenes gastrointestinales como cólico, diarreas e indigestión. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar los efectos analgésico in vivo y espasmolítico ex vivo del ext...