Results: 285

Robotic repair of vesicovaginal fistula - initial experience

Int. braz. j. urol; 42 (1), 2016
ABSTRACT Objective The most common acquired fistula of the urinary tract is Vesicovaginal fistulae (VVF) (1) posing social stigmata for the patient as well as a surgical challenge for the urologist. Here we present our initial experience with Robotic assisted laparoscopic repair of VVF, its safety and ...

Effects of a novel method of anesthesia combining propofol and volatile anesthesia on the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing laparoscopic gynecological surgery

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 66 (1), 2016
BACKGROUND: We investigated the effects of a novel method of anesthesia combining propofol and volatile anesthesia on the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing laparoscopic gynecological surgery. METHODS: Patients were randomly divided into three groups: those maintained w...

Technique for implanting intramuscular electrodes in the diaphragm by videolaparoscopy in pigs

Acta cir. bras; 31 (2), 2016
PURPOSE: To describe a novel approach for implanting intramuscular electrodes in the diaphragm through videolaparoscopy. METHODS: We used twelve pigs for this videolaparoscopic technique, which permits at the same time to explore the diaphragm, to locate its motor points and to fix the electrodes in the ...

Changes in the distance between carina and orotracheal tube during open or videolaparoscopic bariatric surgery

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 65 (5), 2015
ABSTRACTOBJECTIVE: To examine whether there are changes in the distance between the orotracheal tube and carina induced by orthostatic retractor placement or by pneumoperitoneum insufflation in obese patients undergoing gastroplasty.METHODS: 60 patients undergoing bariatric surgery by two techniques: ope...

Tratamento videolaparoscópico para retirada de dispositivo intrauterino em fossa ilíaca direita

Femina; 43 (2), 2015
Dispositivo intrauterino pode sofrer expulsão da cavidade uterina. Objetivo: Descrever um caso de tratamento videolaparoscópico para retirada de dispositivo intrauterino de fossa ilíaca direita. Material e Métodos: Jovem do sexo feminino apresentou dor em fossa ilíaca direita de quatro dias de dura...

Quiste paraovárico gigante en la infancia: Reporte de un caso

Rev. chil. pediatr; 86 (2), 2015
Introducción: Los quistes paraováricos son de diagnóstico infrecuente en la edad pediátrica. Objetivos: Dar a conocer un caso clínico de quiste paraovárico gigante en la infancia y su manejo a través de una técnica laparoscópica modificada. Caso Clínico: Paciente de 13 años con cuadro de dolor...

Tumores virilizantes del ovario: presentación de dos casos manejados mediante cirugía por monopuerto
Virilizing tumors of the ovary: presentation of two cases managed by single-port surgery

Los tumores virilizantes, corresponden al 1% de todos los tumores funcionales del ovario. Estos tipos de tumores virilizantes se originan de las células pluri-potenciales del estroma ovárico, tienen la capacidad de secretar 17-hidroxiprogesterona, testosterona y androstenediona, desencadenando hiperand...

Gasless laparoscopic anatomy and renal biopsy of the kidney in the standing mare

Int. j. morphol; 32 (4), 2014
The current study aimed to provide the topography and renal biopsy of the standing mare kidneys by laparoscopy w ithout CO2 insufflation and to compare between the use of biopsy needle and forceps. Five clinically healthy adult nonpregnant mares weighing 250­300 Kg and aging 7­9 years were used in the ...

Efectividad y seguridad de la esofagectomía por laparoscopia en pacientes con acalasia con falla al tratamiento o progresión final de la enfermedad
Effectiveness and safety of laparoscopic esophagectomy in patients with achalasia with treatment failure or final disease progression

Introducción: la acalasia es una enfermedad de la motilidad primaria del esófago poco frecuente, sin embargo compromete altamente la calidad de vida de los pacientes que sufren la enfermedad. Alrededor de un 5 a 10% de los pacientes no presentan respuesta adecuada al tratamiento inicial y progresan a u...