Results: 3722

4-hydroxy-2-nonenal as a marker of the oxidative stress in brains of dogs with canine distemper

Canine Distemper is a disease caused by Canine morbillivirus (CM), a pantropic virus that can affect the central nervous system (CNS), causing demyelination. However, the pathogenesis of this lesion remains to be clarified. Brain samples of 14 naturally infected dogs by CM were analyzed to evaluate the p...

Food handling in the domestic environment: an online questionnaire study with respondents from 24 of 26 Brazilian states

Using an online questionnaire, this study evaluated the profile of a Brazilian population’s food handling practices in the home environment. The questionnaire, containing questions about domestic behavior in terms of hygiene and food handling, was built and available through social media sites. Informa...

Molecular survey of Leishmania spp. in skin samples of capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) from different areas of Brazil

Leishmaniases comprise a spectrum of diseases caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Leishmania, with some species of rodents being incriminated as reservoirs. The capybara is the largest extant rodent species in the world and is widely distributed in South America. The occurrence of ...

Avaliação da acurácia dos modelos dentários digitais obtidos para cirurgia ortognática
Assessment of the accuracy of digital dental models obtained for orthognathic surgery

O objetivo deste estudo laboratorial foi avaliar a acurácia dos modelos digitais obtidos por duas técnicas de escaneamento (escâner intraoral - Itero 5d Element® - e escâner de bancada -Straumann ®) de um modelo experimental (Nacional Ossos ®) da arcada superior confeccionada em poliuretano e do m...

Protocolo Clínico e Diretrizes Terapêuticas do Comportamento Agressivo no Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo

Smartphone-Based Screening for Cardiovascular Diseases: A Trend?

Abstract Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the world. People living in vulnerable and poor places such as slums, rural areas and remote locations have difficulty in accessing medical care and diagnostic tests. In addition, given the COVID-19 pandemic, we are witnessing an increase...

La Medicina Natural y Tradicional en la prevención y el tratamiento de la COVID-19
Natural and Traditional Medicine in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19

Rev. medica electron; 44 (1), 2022
RESUMEN Hasta hoy no existe cura para la COVID-19. No obstante, se reportan diversos tratamientos encaminados a prevenir el contagio y a tratar los síntomas y complicaciones de la misma. La Medicina Natural y Tradicional ha sido usada frente a diversas dolencias, pero la información de su aplicación e...

El debate actual sobre el empleo de la ventilación mecánica no invasiva
The current debate on the use of noninvasive mechanical ventilation

Rev. medica electron; 44 (1), 2022
RESUMEN La cuestión del empleo de la ventilación mecánica no invasiva es un tema de debate actual. La comunidad médica científica, nacional e internacional, participa activamente en el mismo a través de la publicación de artículos científicos que abordan la complejidad y sutileza de los asuntos ...

Screening complications in the postoperative period of orthopedic surgeries by video arthroscopy

Acta sci., Health sci; 44 (), 2022
To analyze the prevalence and characteristics of late postoperative complications of orthopedic surgeries by video arthroscopy.This was a descriptive cross-sectional study that evaluated, through its own instrument, local and systemic postoperative complications of...