Results: 729

Envejecimiento poblacional: algunas valoraciones desde la antropología
Population ageing: some considerations from the field of the Antrhopoly

Rev. medica electron; 41 (3), 2019
RESUMEN El fenómeno del envejecimiento es un tema necesario a tratar y discutir por investigadores, académicos, estudiantes y profesionales de amplios sectores sociales con incidencia, además, en el tratamiento a dar a los retos y desafíos que representa. Los cambios en el proceso de envejecer y las ...

Dermatoses in parkinsonism: the importance of multidisciplinary follow-up

Summary Parkinsonism is characterized by bradykinesia with rigidity and/or resting tremor, in addition to non-motor symptoms, which include dermatological manifestations. The objective of this study is to evaluate the main dermatoses in patients with parkinsonism found at the Philanthropic Association of...

Temporal trend of adolescent pregnancy in Brasil

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: To analyze the temporal trend and factors associated with adolescent pregnancy during ten years in Brasil. METHODS: Data were extracted from the Live Births Information System, of the Brazilian Health System and included information regarding live births from adolescent mothers from ...

Prevalence of depression and anxiety and their association with cardiovascular risk factors in Northeast Brasil primary care patients

SUMMARY BACKGROUND: Depression and anxiety disorders (DAD) are the most prevalent mental health conditions worldwide. Among the adult population served in basic care, it is estimated that depression affects about 14.3% of these individuals worldwide, and between 21.4% and 31% in Brasil. Anxiety affects ...

Defining trajectories of acute pain in surgical patients short title: acute pain follow-up

SUMMARY INTRODUCTION: Assessment of acute postoperative pain is mandatory for effective treatments. Pain trajectories may help professionals improve treatments. It has been suggested that uncontrolled pain in the immediate postoperative period generates higher pain intensities on the following days of h...

The association between personal history and the outcomes of transobturator sling surgery

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: This study aims to verify the association between risk factors for the onset of SUI and transobturator suburethral sling surgical treatment outcomes. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A retrospective study was conducted with 57 patients operated by the Pelvic Floor Surgery Service. Demographic d...

¿Qué representa cambiar el umbral diagnóstico de la hipertensión arterial? Guías ACC/AHA 2017 y su aplicación en Perú

Rev. méd. Chile; 147 (5), 2019
Introduction and Objective: There is little evidence in Latin America about the impact of the ACC/AHA 2017 guideline. Taking as reference the JNC 7 guideline, the objective of our study is to estimate changes in the prevalence of arterial hypertension (HBP) according to socio-demographic characteristics ...

Investigation of the relationship between umbilical cord pH and intraventricular hemorrhage of infants delivered preterm

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: We measured the level of pH gases in premature infants at birth, and examined the relationship between brain ultrasonography on the third and seventh day after birth. A case-control study conducted at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of Shahid Akbar Abadi Hospital, Iran, during...

Brazilian Study of Nutrition and Health (EBANS) - Brazilian data of ELANS: methodological opportunities and challenges

SUMMARY BACKGROUND: Epidemiological studies with dietary variables are complex methodologically, being the researcher responsible for anticipating, controlling, reducing and preventing methodological errors. Obesity accounts for almost one-third of the world's population and has consequences for childho...

Daño asociado al uso de medicamentos en hospitales chilenos: análisis de prevalencia 2010-2017

Rev. méd. Chile; 147 (4), 2019
Background: Medication related adverse events are an important cause of hospital admission or prolonged stay. Aim: To assess medication related adverse events in a hospital discharge database. Material and Methods: Revision of the Chilean hospital discharge database from 2010 to 2017 searching for ICD-...