Results: 401
The face of man: perspectives on the economic, social, cultural and political development of the Caribbean
Pressure: living with high blood pressure
High Blood Pressure, otherwise referred to simply as "Pressure" is one of the most frequently occurring ailments in the Caribbean. Because of the "silent" nature of the disease, the persons who have "Pressure" often have no indication of their illness until it is far advanced, probably to the stage of th...
Health conditions in the Americas
THe 1994 edition of Health conditions in the Americas is the eleventh in a series of quadrennial reports published since 1954 to document the changes and advances in health achieved by the member and participating governments of the Pan American Health Organization. This document informs the XXIV Pan Ame...
Dinámica demográfica y tendencias de la mortalidad en América Latina y el Caribe
Demographic dynamics and tendencies of mortality in Latin America and Caribbean
Rev. cienc. adm. financ. segur. soc; 2 (1), 1994
La considerable baja presentada en la mortalidad y la fecundidad por los países de América Latina y el Caribe constituye la base esencial sobre la cual descansan los enunciados de la denominada Teoría de Transición Demográfica, los cuales fueron elaborados por el Centro Latinoamericano de Demografí...
Perinatal implications of meconium stained liquor
Antepartum passage of meconium remains a common perinatal problem in the Caribbean and the purpose of this study was to examine this problem in all babies born at the Mount Hope Women's Hospital(MHWH), Trinidad, during the period January 1 to December 31, 1991.The medical records of all 5,397 live births...
Red de cooperación técnica en sistemas de vigilancia alimentaria y nutricional: V mesa redonda sobre sistemas de vigilancia alimentaria y nutricional de América Latina y el Caribe
Survey of community knowledge, attitudes and practices, regarding environmental sanitation and vector control in a selected area of New Providence, Bahamas
Health legislation trends in the English-speaking American region: the last four years
This technical report contains three legislation studies of a general nature: Canada, English-speaking Caribbean, and United States...
An evaluation of problem-based learning at Mt. Hope: Vol.1: Analysis of four aspects of the Problem-based Learning in the class of '94
This report has been produced to give the Faculty an idea of the performance of the class of 1994 in Problem-based learning in the Phase I of their programme. Four aspects of activities related to problem based learning have been analysed and some discussion and suggestions for the future....