Results: 89

Hipofosfatemia inducida por drogas: fierro carboximaltosa e imatinib. Casos clínicos

Rev. méd. Chile; 148 (3), 2020
Hypophosphatemia is a relatively frequent and a potentially serious adverse drug effect. Clinically it is characterized by bone pain and muscle weakness. There are several mechanisms by which a drug can induce hypophosphatemia and they can be classified according to whether or not they are mediated by an...

Utilidad del contraste endovenoso en ecoendoscopía pancreática. Reporte de casos

RESUMEN El empleo del contraste endovenoso permite aumentar la capacidad diagnostica de la ecoendoscopía en muchas condiciones patológicas de forma no invasiva, mediante la evaluación de patrones de realce en tiempo real (hipo, iso e hipercaptación), permitiendo a su vez definir diagnósticos diferen...

Remdesivir como tratamiento para COVID-19
Remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19

Study of thermo-regulation as a worsening marker of experimental sepsis in an animal model

Objective: to analyze variations in body temperature and in plasma nitrate and lactate concentrations in rats submitted to the experimental sepsis model. Method: a total of 40 rats divided equally into five groups. The induction of endotoxemia was performed with intravenous administration of lipopolys...

Complicações da terapia intravenosa para familiares de crianças hospitalizadas: validação de manual

Objetivo validar o conteúdo e a aparência da tecnologia educacional "Complicações da Terapia Intravenosa em Crianças: Manual de Orientações para Familiares" na perspectiva de acompanhantes de crianças hospitalizadas. Método estudo metodológico, do tipo produção tecnológica. A validação ...

Pharmaceutical intervention in the rational use of intravenous omeprazole

ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the pharmaceutical interventions of a vertical clinical pharmacy service to promote the rational use of intravenous omeprazole. Methods: A prospective and descriptive study carried out at a university hospital in the Midwestern Region of Brazil, from November 2014 to May...

Erros no preparo e na administração de medicamentos intravenosos

Objetivo identificar os erros no preparo e na administração de medicamentos intravenosos. Método estudo observacional e descritivo realizado de 694 doses de medicamentos intravenosos realizadas pelos profissionais de enfermagem em pacientes adultos nas unidades de Emergência, Internamento e Unidad...

Functional iron deficiency in patients on hemodialysis: prevalence, nutritional assessment, and biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation

J. bras. nefrol; 41 (4), 2019
Abstract Introduction: Anemic patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) can be divided into anemic patients without or with functional iron deficiency (FID). The increase in the number of cases of hemosiderosis in patients on hemodialysis (HD) attributed to excessive intravenous iron replacement has ca...

Antioxidant effect of endothelin-1 receptor antagonist protects the rat kidney against chronic injury induced by hypertension and hyperglycemia

J. bras. nefrol; 41 (4), 2019
ABSTRACT Hypertension and Diabetes mellitus are the two main causes of chronic kidney disease that culminate in the final stage of kidney disease. Since these two risk factors are common and can overlap, new approaches to prevent or treat them are needed. Macitentan (MAC) is a new non-selective antagonis...

Riscos potenciais no processo de preparo e administração de medicamentos por via intravenosa: revisão literária de ações integradas para alívio da dor e educação em saúde

Objective: The study’s main purpose has been to analyze scientific articles on the world scenario about nursing interventions in the process of preparation and administration of intravenous drugs, risks inherent in professional practice and actions integrated with medical prescription. Methods: It is a...