Results: 22

Studies of the immediate postpartum diabetes remission and/or hypoglycemia after cesarean section in diabetic pregnancy

Five non-diabetic subjects, 5 gestational diabetics (GDM) treated with diet and 4 non-insulin dependent pregestational diabetics (NIDDM) treated with beef-pork insulin during their pregnancy, undergoing elective cesarean section (C-s), were given dextrose infusions without insulin for 7 hours (h) startin...

Estudo da funçäo tireóidea na síndrome de Down
Study of the thyroid function in Down syndrome

J. bras. med; 66 (4), 1994
Os autores investigam o funcionamento da tireóide em 43 crianças com síndrome de Down e 48 controles em faixas etárias entre três meses e 18 anos, através de dosagens séricas de T3 livre (T3L), T4 L livre (T4L), tireotropina (TSH), T3 reverso (rT3) e anticorpos antimicrossomais (AcAM) e antitireog...