Results: 35

High genotypic diversity of the reef-building coral Porites lobata (Scleractinia: Poritidae) in Isla del Coco National Park, Costa Rica

Rev. biol. trop; 60 (supl.3), 2012
The isolated Isla del Coco experiences periodic, extreme disturbances which devastate coral reefs surrounding the island. Scleractinian corals build the physical structure of the reef therefore ecosystem recovery relies on coral species recovery. Coral recruits can be of sexual or asexual origin, and the...

Entre historias y culebras: más que una bahía (Bahía Culebra, Guanacaste, Costa Rica)

Rev. biol. trop; 60 (supl.2), 2012
Among stories and snakes: more than a bay (Bahía Culebra, Guanacaste, Costa Rica). Bahía Culebra (Culebra Bay) is a semi-closed and protected geomorphological unit, which has a wide diversity of natural resources, encouraging the settlement of human populations and consequent coastal development. Bahí...

Historia de la investigación marino-costera en Bahía Culebra, Pacífico Norte, Guanacaste, Costa Rica

Rev. biol. trop; 60 (supl.2), 2012
History of coastal-marine research in Bahía Culebra, North Pacific, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Bahía Culebra (Culebra Bay) is located on the north Pacific coast of Costa Rica in a seasonal upwelling area. In this paper I present the history of marine research at Bahía Culebra, to summarize what is known ...

The recent decline of Montastraea annularis (complex) coral populations in western Curaçao: a cause for concern?

Rev. biol. trop; 54 (supl.3), 2006
Shallow leeward reefs off the western end of Curaçao are dominated by extensive populations of M. annularis (complex). These species are larger in size (mean= 66 cm diameter) than all other species, with few small colonies (<30 cm) and notable absence of recruits. In 1998, colonies of M. annularis (c...

Destinaçäo dos resíduos de construçäo e demoliçäo na área insular do município de Santos e seus impactos sanitários e ambientais
Disposal of Construction and Demolition Debris in the Insular Area of Santos Municipality and Its Sanitary and Environmental Impacts

A construçäo civil, como atividade que lida com grandes quantidades de matérias primas, possui um elevado potencial de geraçäo de resíduos sólidos. Em alguns casos os resíduos de construçäo e demoliçäo - RCD, ou entulhos, säo dispostos no ambiente de maneira irregular, podendo acarretar impa...

Cáncer basocelular en área costera y valles interiores: IV Región
Basal cell cancer in coast area and interior valleys: IV region

Rev. chil. cir; 52 (5), 2000
Se presentan 277 pacientes portadores de cáncer basocelular primarios tratados entre 1989 y 1998. Se analiza retrospectivamente su comportamiento epidemiológico comparando la incidencia y tasa de morbilidad en la planicie costera y las zonas altas de los valles interiores. Además se describe y compara...