ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: - Conventional esophagogastroduodenoscopy is the best method for evaluation of the upper gastrointestinal tract, but it has limitations for the identification of the major duodenal papilla, even after the use of the straightening maneuver. Side-viewing duodenoscope is recommended fo...
OBJECTIVES: The current study was designed to assess the clinical predictors of hypoxemia and to develop a multivariable, predictive model for hypoxemia during routine gastrointestinal endoscopy. METHODS: In total, 308 patients were enrolled in the analysis. Demographic data, concurrent chronic disease ...
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Small bowel bleeding is a leading indication for small bowel capsule endoscopy. The Suspected Blood Indicator (SBI) is a software feature directed to automatically detect bleeding lesions during small bowel capsule endoscopy. OBJECTIVE We aimed to assess SBI diagnostic accuracy for ...
Barrett’s esophagus has a risk of developing esophageal adenocarcinoma and it increases when dysplasia is present. For this reason, its diagnosis requires endoscopic surveillance or eradication if dysplasia
or cancer appears. In the past, high-grade dysplasia and intramucosal esophageal adenocarcinoma ...
Introducción: las estrategias actuales de diagnóstico y tratamiento del paciente con hemorragia digestiva incluyen la identificación de los factores clínicos y/o endoscópicos que permitan identificar los pacientes con una hemorragia grave y quiénes no. Objetivo: identificar aquellos parámetros cl...
Introducción: la reducción de la mortalidad en pacientes con hemorragia digestiva alta está dada no solo por la terapéutica endoscópica, sino por el adecuado manejo clínico que incluye reposición de volumen y transfusión sanguínea si es requerida; por lo que es necesaria la evaluación de la uti...
Tumores carcinoides do estômago consistem em neoplasias do sistema neuroendócrino difuso que, embora raras, têm apresentado
uma crescente incidência. Sua origem está nas células enterocromafins da mucosa gástrica. A abordagem clínica ideal ainda está sendo
elucidada, dependendo do tipo, tamanho ...
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the usefulness of the Forrest classification and the complete Rockall score with customary cut-off values for assessing the risk of adverse events in patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGI-B) subject to after-hours emergency oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (E-EGD) within...