Torres, Orlando Jorge Martins;
Linhares, Marcelo Moura;
Ramos, Eduardo José B;
Amaral, Paulo Cezar G;
Belotto, Marcos;
Lucchese, Angelica Maria;
Neiva, Romerito Fonseca;
Freitas, Theago Medeiros;
Santana, Rodolfo;
Vieira, Josiel Paiva;
Freire, Jaldo Santos;
Torres, Camila Cristina S;
Kalil, Antonio Nocchi.
ABSTRACT Background: Primary intrahepatic lithiasis is defined when the stones are formed in the liver and associated with local dilatation and biliary stricture. Liver resection is the ideal procedure. Aim: To evaluate the results of liver resection in the treatment of non-oriental intrahepatic lith...
ABSTRACT Background: After the publication of the first recommendations of ERAS Society regarding colonic surgery, the proposal of surgical stress reduction, maintenance of physiological functions and optimized recovery was expanded to other surgical specialties, with minimal variations. Aim: To analyz...
Introducción: Las resecciones hepáticas mayores pueden presentar una alta morbimortalidad en relación al sangrado intraoperatorio. La utilización de la maniobra de Pringle permite disminuir esta complicación a costa de un daño por isquemia-reperfusión. Una estrategia para minimizarla es el uso de ...
Resumen Introducción: La insuficiencia hepática posoperatoria (IHP) es una causa importante de morbimortalidad posoperatoria en cirugía hepática. Un remanente hepático futuro (RHF) insuficiente es una de las principales causas IHP La asociación de bipartición hepática con ligadura portal para he...
Abstract Purpose: To investigate thymoquinone, curcumin and a combination of these two drugs were effective or not at the growth of liver. Methods: Forty female Wistar-Albino rats distributed into five groups of eight rats each, control, thymoquinone, curcumin, and thymoquinone/curcumin groups. Pathol...
Proliferación Celular,
Antígeno Ki-67/análisis,
Neoplasias Hepáticas/cirugía,
Regeneración Hepática/efectos de los fármacos,
Trasplante de Hígado,
Óxido Nítrico/sangre,
Ratas Wistar,
Activador de Tejido Plasminógeno/sangre
Liver resection is the standard treatment for any liver lesion. Laparoscopic liver resection is associated with lower intra-operative blood loss and fewer complications than open resection. Access to the posterior part of the right liver lobe is very uncomfortable and difficult for surgeons due the anato...
Giménez, Mariano E;
Houghton, Eduardo J;
Davrieux, C Federico;
Serra, Edgardo;
Pessaux, Patrick;
Palermo, Mariano;
Acquafresca, Pablo A;
Finger, Caetano;
Dallemagne, Bernard;
Marescaux, Jacques.
ABSTRACT Background: When a major hepatic resection is necessary, sometimes the future liver remnant is not enough to maintain sufficient liver function and patients are more likely to develop liver failure after surgery. Aim: To test the hypothesis that performing a percutaneous radiofrecuency liver ...
ABSTRACT Background: Liver surgery has developed significantly in the past decades. In Brazil, the interest on it has grown significantly, but there is no study regarding its clinical practice. Despite intrinsic limitations, surveys are well suited to descriptive studies and allow understanding the curr...
ABSTRACT Background: Percutaneous drainage for pyogenic liver abscess has been considered the gold-standard approach for the treatment on almost of the cases. However, when percutaneous drainage fails or even in some especial situations, as multiloculate abscess, lobe or segment surgical resection can ...
La disfunción hepática postoperatoria del remanente hepático que ocurre en pacientes sometidos a grandes resecciones hepáticas, es un problema complejo y temido, dado su pronóstico incierto. La asociación de partición hepática y ligadura portal para hepatectomía por etapas (ALPPS), es un enfoque...