Results: 128

Lipoma no Septo Interventricular – Relato De Caso

ABC., imagem cardiovasc; 34 (1), 2021
Tumores cardíacos primários consistem em patologia rara, sendo encontrados em até 0,03% das autópsias e a maioria benigna. Dentre os benignos, os lipomas apresentam incidência de 8,5%, localizando-se mais frequentemente no septo interatrial. Quando localizado no septo interventricular, é considerad...

Fibrolipoma em cavidade oral: relato de caso

Fibrolipoma is a benign neoplasm characterized by the presence of mature adipose cells separated by broad bands of dense fibrous connective tissue. This pathology is a microscopic variant of lipoma and can affect any part of the body. However, its occurrence in the oral cavity is uncommon. It is usually ...

Intraoral excision of a huge retropharyngeal lipoma causing dysphagia and obstructive sleep apnea

Peripheral nerve entrapments - rare causes of a common condition: case series

Autops. Case Rep; 10 (2), 2020
Compressive syndromes of peripheral nerves both in the upper and lower limbs are part of daily clinical practice; however, the etiological diagnosis can be challenging and impact on the outcome of the patient. We report five cases with rare etiologies of nerve entrapments: one in the lower limb and four ...

Hipertrofia lipomatosa del septum interatrial: reporte de un caso

Rev. colomb. cancerol; 24 (2), 2020
Resumen La hipertrofia lipomatosa del septum interauricular (HLSI) es una entidad cardiaca rara y benigna, que se caracteriza por la acumulación de tejido adiposo dentro de algunos segmentos del septum interatrial. Generalmente, los pacientes son asintomáticos y estas lesiones se descubren de manera in...

Lipoma oral: Revisión de literatura y reporte de caso

Odontol. vital; (32), 2020
Resumen Los lipomas son considerados los tumores de origen mesenquimatoso más comunes del tejido blando; de ellos el 13% del total se ubican en cabeza y cuello, pero es difícil encontrarlos en la región oral y maxilofacial. La localización más común de lipomas dentro de la región oral y maxilofaci...

Causa infrecuente de odinofagia: angiolipoma laríngeo

Laryngeal angiolipoma is a benign and rare tumor at this level. It is a type of unique lipoma, which is located in aritenoepiglottic retraction, epiglottis, and postcricoid region, and it is usually diagnosed after surgical exeresis. It is usually silent until it reaches a large size, causing dysphagia a...

Lipoma de bola adiposa de Bichat: un caso atípico
Bichat’s fat pad lipoma: an atypical case

Los lipomas son tumores benignos compuestos por adipocitos maduros. Si bien representan la neoplasia más común en el cuerpo humano, su aparición en la región de la cabeza y el cuello es relativamente rara. No muestra predilección por sexo y afecta a individuos en la cuarta década de vida. Clínicam...

Compressive Neuropathy of the Ulnar Nerve in the Hypothenar Region by Lipoma: Case Report

Arq. bras. neurocir; 39 (1), 2020
Lipomas are well-defined tumors of the adipose tissue that often occur in the torso or the extremities of adult patients. These tumors usually develop painlessly and insidiously, but theymay compress adjacent structures. The objective of the present study is to describe the case of a 68-year-old female p...