Fractures of the frontal sinus account for 5 to 12% of all the maxillofacial fractures. There are different complications related to frontal sinus fractures and some of them may develop even years after the traumatic episode. Isolated fungal infection of the frontal sinus is very exceptional. The most co...
The frontal sinuses can provide significant evidence for forensic identification. The peculiarity of the frontal sinus contours allows a precise and meticulous analysis, reducing the risk of errors on the part of the forensic experts. To describe the use of cone-beam computed tomography as an alternative...
Motivo. El compromiso del seno frontal con fractura de sus paredes es un tipo de lesión infrecuente que representa el 5-12% de todas
las fracturas faciales. Suelen asociarse a lesiones intracraneales, oftalmológicas y otras fracturas maxilofaciales y, si hay compromiso de
la pared posterior del seno fr...
O presente estudo avalia os resultados da obliteraçäo espontânea do seio frontal em comparaçäo à obliteraçäo com osso heterógeno (humano), em oito macacos machos adultos jovens (Cebus apella). Todos os animais receberam ostectomia da parede anterior do seio, remoçäo da mucosa sinusal e decorti...