The process of evaluation of candidate patients for liver transplantation should include the risk of infectious
diseases in order to prevent the drop out of the waiting list due to infections or the occurrence of these
in the post-transplant period. Cirrhotic patients in the pre-transplant stage are very...
Medición de Riesgo,
Atención Perioperativa/métodos,
Trasplante de Hígado/métodos,
Profilaxis Antibiótica/métodos,
Selección de Paciente,
Acondicionamiento Pretrasplante/métodos,
Complicaciones Posoperatorias/prevención & control,
Tuberculosis/prevención & control,
Inmunología del Trasplante,
Infecciones por VIH/prevención & control,
Hepatitis B/prevención & control,
Hepatitis C/prevención & control,
Trasplante de Hígado/efectos adversos
ABSTRACT Background: Liver transplant (LT) is the only effective and long-lasting option for patients with end-stage liver disease. Innovations and refinements in surgical techniques occurred with the advent of transplants with partial grafts and laparoscopy. Despite these modifications, the abdominal i...
ABSTRACT Background : Cold ischemia time is related to success of liver transplantation. Aim : To compare the impact of cold ischemia time on allografts locally collected to those collected distantly. Methods : Were evaluated 83 transplantations. The patients were divided in two groups: those wh...
Resumen: En pediatría, la hepatitis autoinmune y la colangitis esclerosante son patologías de afección hepática cuyo mecanismo de daño es inmunológico. La hepatitis autoinmune es una enfermedad de etiología desconocida, caracterizada por hepatitis de interfase, hipergammaglobulinemia, autoanticuer...
Abstract Purpose: To analyze the use of this sponge in pediatric patients undergoing split-liver transplantation. Methods: Retrospective study, including 35 pediatric patients undergoing split-liver transplantation, divided into two groups according to the use of the sponge: 18 patients in Group A (n...
Fibrinógeno/uso terapéutico,
Hemostasis Quirúrgica/métodos,
Hemostáticos/uso terapéutico,
Trasplante de Hígado/métodos,
Tapones Quirúrgicos de Gaza,
Trombina/uso terapéutico,
Pérdida de Sangre Quirúrgica/prevención & control,
Transfusión de Eritrocitos,
Trasplante de Hígado/efectos adversos,
Reproducibilidad de los Resultados,
Estudios Retrospectivos,
Estadísticas no Paramétricas,
Herida Quirúrgica/tratamiento farmacológico,
Resultado del Tratamiento
Ahumada, Vanessa;
Tejos, Rodrigo;
Moraga, Felipe;
Achurra, Pablo;
Godoy, Iván;
Loyola, Soledad;
Torres, Javiera;
Kolbach, Marianne;
Benítez, Carlos;
Guerra, Juan Francisco;
Jarufe, Nicolás;
Martínez, Jorge.
Liver involvement by multiple arterio-venous shunts in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia can lead to severe heart failure. Total hepatectomy with liver transplantation has emerged as a therapeutic option for severe cases where other therapies have failed. We report a 51-year-old male who underwent a ...
Abstract: Thrombocytopenia has previously been reported after right lobe resection for organ donation. The mechanism(s) of low platelets after right hepatectomy is unclear and several hypotheses have been proposed including a decrease in thrombopoietin, and hepatic insufficiency resulting in relative por...
Hepatectomía/efectos adversos,
Neoplasias Hepáticas/cirugía,
Trasplante de Hígado/efectos adversos,
Donadores Vivos,
Neoplasias Hepáticas/patología,
Trasplante de Hígado/métodos,
Recuento de Plaquetas,
Estudios Retrospectivos,
Factores de Riesgo,
Factores de Tiempo,
Resultado del Tratamiento
RESUMO Objetivo: Correlacionar os níveis de thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor no pós-operatório imediato e com 24 horas de pós-operatório com o volume de sangramento tansoperatório. Métodos: Foram analisados vinte e um pacientes alocados imediatamente antes do transplante hepático (...
Pérdida de Sangre Quirúrgica,
Carboxipeptidasa B2/metabolismo,
Modelos Lineales,
Trasplante de Hígado/métodos,
Trasplante de Hígado/mortalidad,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Proyectos Piloto,
Periodo Posoperatorio,
Periodo Preoperatorio,
Factores de Tiempo
ABSTRACT PURPOSE: Clinical microsurgery has been introduced in many fields, while experimental microsurgery has the cross-disciplinary features of the sciences and techniques for growth of medicine, pharmacology, veterinary, engineering etc. Training protocol, proposing a new name as Translational Micr...
Investigación Biomédica Traslacional/métodos,
Anastomosis Quirúrgica/educación,
Anastomosis Quirúrgica/métodos,
Competencia Clínica,
Trasplante de Hígado/educación,
Trasplante de Hígado/métodos,
Modelos Animales,
Os tópicos mais importantes na falência hepática fulminante são o edema cerebral e a hipertensão intracraniana. Dentre todas as opções terapêuticas, tem sido relatado que a hipotermia sistêmica induzida em níveis entre 33 - 34ºC reduz a elevação da pressão e aumenta o tempo durante o qual o...