Results: 5176

Mini-gastric bypass: description of the technique and preliminary results

ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.); 30 (4), 2017
ABSTRACT Background : In recent years, a surgical technique known as single-anastomosis gastric bypass or mini-gastric bypass has been developed. Its frequency of performance has increased considerably in the current decade. Aim : To describe the mini-gastric bypass technique, its implementation and ...

Tratamento de Molusco Contagioso em crianças: uma revisão sistemática de literatura

Objetivo: Molusco contagioso é uma infecção cutânea, causada pelo Molluscipox vírus. Diante da inexistência de um tratamento específico, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo verificar, segundo a literatura recente, os melhores métodos de tratamento em crianças imunocompetentes. Métodos: Revisão sis...

Abordaje microquirúrgico transanal. Experiencia inicial. Indicaciones y resultados
Transanal microsurgical approach. Initial experience. Indications and results

Introducción: El tratamiento quirúrgico de las afecciones del recto bajo se encuentra en permanente revisión intentando mantener una adecuada función de continencia y urogenital. Una opción reciente es el abordaje microquirúrgico transanal. El objetivo del trabajo es evaluar una serie de pacientes ...

Ablación de las neoplasias intraepiteliales escamosas anales de alto grado, precursoras del cáncer anal, con coagulación infrarroja
Ablation of high-grade anal squamous intraepithelial neoplasms, anal cancer precursors, with infrared coagulation

Introducción: Las neoplasias intraepiteliales anales de alto grado (AIN-AG) sin tratamiento progresan a carcinoma anal escamoso invasor (CAE) en 8-13% de los casos. Esto disminuye al 1,2% con la ablación dirigida por anoscopía de alta resolución (AAR). El tratamiento ideal de la AIN-AG no está estab...

Tratamiento conservador en perforaciones postpolipectomía colonica
Conservative treatment in colon postpolypectomy perforations

Introduccion: La videocolonoscopía es el principal método de diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento en patologías colorectales. La perforación colónica en endoscopía terapeútica es una complicación infrecuente pero debe ser evaluada y tratada rapidamente cuando aparece ya que puede presentar una...

The safety and clinical efficacy of recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor injection for colon cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy

Summary Objective: The present study was designed to evaluate safety and efficacy of recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) injection and whether this regimen could reduce the incidence of adverse events caused by chemotherapy. Method: A total of 100 patients with colon cancer ...

Pelvic floor muscle training for overactive bladder symptoms - A prospective study

Summary Introduction: Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) involves the contraction of the puborectal, anal sphincter and external urethral muscles, inhibiting the detrusor contraction, what justify its use in the treatment of overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms. Objective: To verify the effects of isolat...

Medical Termination of Delayed Miscarriage: Four-Year Experience with an Outpatient Protocol

Abstract Purpose To evaluate the efficacy of an outpatient protocol with vaginal misoprostol to treat delayed miscarriage. Methods Retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data on women medically treated for missed abortion with an outpatient protocol. The inclusion criteria were: ultrasound...

Importance of Clinical and Laboratory Findings in the Diagnosis and Surgical Prognosis of Patients with Constrictive Pericarditis

Arq. bras. cardiol; 109 (5), 2017
Abstract Background: International studies have reported the value of the clinical profile and laboratory findings in the diagnosis of constrictive pericarditis. However, Brazilian population data are scarce. Objective: To assess the clinical characteristics, sensitivity of imaging tests and factors re...