Results: 428

Perfil dos indivíduos com doença de Parkinson atendidos no setor de fisioterapia de um hospital universitário no Rio de Janeiro

Rev. bras. neurol; 51 (4), 2015
Na doença de Parkinson (DP), uma desordem neurológica complexa, ocorre depleção de dopamina por degeneração dos neurônios da substância negra, ocasionando perdas motoras e cognitivas. Os quatro principais sintomas que acometem indivíduos com DP são o tremor de repouso, a rigidez, a bradicinesia...

Influência do treino de dupla tarefa no desempenho motor e funcional de parkinsonianos
Influence of double task training in the motor and functional performance of parkinsonians

HU rev; 41 (1/2), 2015
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o efeito do treino de dupla tarefa sobre o desempenho motor e funcional de indivíduos com Doença de Parkinson (DP). Foram selecionados oito parkinsonianos, de acordo com os critérios de inclusão e exclusão para a pesquisa. As avaliações consistiram na aplica...

Validation and reliability of a modified sphygmomanometer for the assessment of handgrip strength in Parkinson´s disease

BACKGROUND: Handgrip strength is currently considered a predictor of overall muscle strength and functional capacity. Therefore, it is important to find reliable and affordable instruments for this analysis, such as the modified sphygmomanometer test (MST). OBJECTIVES: To assess the concurrent criterion ...

The effect of deep brain stimulation on motor and cognitive symptoms of Parkinson's disease: a literature review

Dement. neuropsychol; 9 (1), 2015
Deep brain stimulator (DBS) implant surgery is considered a breakthrough in the treatment of Parkinson?s disease, especially in cases where motor symptoms cannot be controlled through conventional drug treatment. Its benefits have been studied extensively in the literature, particularly in relation to mo...

El masaje como terapia integrativa en la enfermedad de Parkinson

Trabajo de investigación realizado en base al diseño e implementación de un protocolo terapéutico de masajes aplicado en 30 pacientes hombres y mujeres de 50 a 75 años de edad con enfermedad de Parkinson. Durante el proceso de investigación el equipo de terapeutas realizó sistemáticamente medicio...

Effects of Hypericum perforatum on turning behavior in an animal model of Parkinson's disease

Braz. j. pharm. sci; 51 (1), 2015
Parkinson's disease (PD) is an age-related neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the slow and progressive death of dopaminergic neurons in the (substantia nigra pars compact). Hypericum perforatum (H. perforatum) is a plant widely used as an antidepressant, that also presents antioxidant and anti-i...

Postural control in Parkinson's disease

Introduction: Postural instability is one of the most disabling features of Parkinson's disease. Objective: To evaluate postural balance in Parkinson's disease. Methods: Thirty patients with Parkinson's disease were compared with controls using Tetrax™ interactive balance system posturography. Resu...