Results: 476

Short implants versus longer implants with maxillary sinus lift. A systematic review and meta-analysis

Abstract This study compared the survival rate of dental implants, amount of marginal bone loss, and rates of complications (biological and prosthetic) between short implants and long implants placed after maxillary sinus augmentation. This systematic review has been registered at PROSPERO under the numb...

Successful and failed mini-implants: microbiological evaluation and quantification of bacterial endotoxin

J. appl. oral sci; 26 (), 2018
Abstract Objectives Using two groups of mini-implants (successful and failed) the objectives of this in vivo study were: to evaluate the microbial contamination by the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization technique and to quantify the bacterial endotoxin by the limulus amebocyte lysate assay. Material a...

Oral implant osseointegration model in C57Bl/6 mice: microtomographic, histological, histomorphometric and molecular characterization

J. appl. oral sci; 26 (), 2018
Abstract Despite the successful clinical application of titanium (Ti) as a biomaterial, the exact cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for Ti osseointegration remains unclear, especially because of the limited methodological tools available in this field. Objective: In this study, we present a ...

Prótese total mandibular sobre implantes: fatores que influenciam no sucesso da reabilitação
Total mandibular prosthesis on implants: factors that influence the success of rehabilitation

Objetivo: Objetivou-se avaliar um conjunto de fatores que podem interferir no sucesso da reabilitação total no arco inferior por meio da análise da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde oral, performance mastigatória, complicações e saúde peri-implantar (tecidos moles e duros) de pacientes trata...

Importancia de los implantes dentales en odontología forense: un elemento para la identificación de personas
The importance of dental implants in forensic dentistry: an element for identifying people

Objetivos: evaluar la utilidad de los implantes dentales en la identificación de personas a través del estudio comparativo de las imágenes radiológicas pre y post operatorias. Materiales y métodos: se recolectaron por muestreo aleatorio simple, 50 tipos diferentes de imágenes radiográficas de paci...

Uma atualização sobre biomateriais em implantodontia

HU Rev. (Online); 44 (1), 2018
O processo alveolar é uma estrutura dente dependente que sofre alterações dimensionais após a exodontia. Defeitos ósseos resultantes prejudicam a colocação de implantes e o sucesso em longo prazo. Diversas técnicas cirúrgicas e biomateriais tem sido apresentados como opções terapêuticas para ...

Avaliação da satisfação de reabilitações com implantes zigomáticos

Introdução: A reabilitação oral de pacientes com atrofia óssea maxilar representa um grande desafio por estes pacientes apresentarem comprometimento da qualidade de vida, dificuldades alimentares, complicações nutricionais, dificuldades sociais e emocionais. Propostas de reabilitações de maxilas...

Clinical comparison of short and conventional implants placed in the posterior region of the mandible. A pilot study

Objective: To evaluate and correlate the values of radiographic bone density, peri-implant bone height and resonance frequency analysis (RFA) of short or conventional implants placed in the posterior region of the mandible after installing a prosthesis. Material and method: Eleven patients were selected...

Effects of strontium ranelate on alveolar ridge morphology augmentation

Int. j. morphol; 35 (4), 2017
SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to compare the Primary and Secondary stability of immediate implant placement with Alveolar Ridge Augmentation (ARA) and Strontium Ranelate (SR) as aids to enhance the stability using Resonance Frequency Analysis (RFA). Fifty eight subjects ideal for immediate imp...

Evaluation of the inclination effect of non-splinted implants on the prosthetic behavior of overdentures in mandible edentulous patients

ABSTRACT. Introduction: the aim of this study was to evaluate the sagittal inclination of implants with respect to the occlusal plane of mandibular overdentures and their effect on the prosthetic behavior of the overdentures. Methods: 52 implants were evaluated in 26 fully mandible edentulous adults (...