Results: 5437

Asthma control, lung function, nutritional status, and health-related quality of life: differences between adult males and females with asthma

J. bras. pneumol; 44 (4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate health-related quality of life in asthma patients treated at a referral center in southern Brazil, identifying differences between male and female patients, as well as to evaluate differences between the males and females in terms of asthma control, lung function, and nut...

Diagnosis and management of systemic hypertension due to renovascular and aortic stenosis in patients with Williams-Beuren syndrome

SUMMARY AIM To describe the incidence, diagnosis, and management of systemic arterial hypertension related to renal artery stenosis in patients with Williams-Beuren syndrome. METHODS Sixty-five patients with Williams-Beuren syndrome were evaluated for hypertension. Enrolled patients underwent Doppler...

Prevalência e fatores associados aos exames de detecção precoce para câncer de próstata e câncer de mama na população brasileira
Prevalence and factors associated with early detection tests for prostate cancer and breast cancer in the Brazilian population

O câncer de próstata e de mama se constituem em desafios para a saúde pública mundial, e o seu rastreamento para a detecção precoce possui vantagens e desvantagens. No sentido de garantir benefícios superiores ao possíveis danos e malefícios atrelados ao rastreamento, suas práticas, tanto no se...

Fatores associados às infecções sexualmente transmissíveis: inquérito populacional no município de São Paulo, Brasil

Resumo Descrevemos a frequência de infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST), os fatores associados e as orientações recebidas dos profissionais de saúde entre homens e mulheres no município de São Paulo. Estudo de corte transversal, com inquérito populacional, com indivíduos de 15 a 64 anos ...

Abortion in cases of zika virus congenital infection

Abstract The emergency in international public health caused by the Zika virus gave rise to the discussion about abortion in cases of congenital Zika virus syndrome (CZS). Therefore, we propose to carry out a bibliographic review on abortion in these cases. Five databases were searched using the followin...

Análise espacial e tendências de mortalidade associada a doenças hipertensivas nos Estados e Regiões do Brasil entre 2010 e 2014

Fundamentos: A hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS) representa o agravo de maior relevância, sendo um dos principais fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares. Objetivo: Analisar tendências da taxa de mortalidade associada a doenças hipertensivas no Brasil, de 2010 a 2014, tanto...

Epidemiologic study of cluster headache prevalence in a medium-size city in Brazil

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 76 (7), 2018
ABSTRACT To determine the prevalence of cluster headache (CH) in Barbacena, a medium-size city in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Methods The total population of Barbacena is 126,284 inhabitants and the Family Health Strategy Program covers 84,610 of them. In order to identify patients with cluster ...

Relationship between microcephaly and Zika virus during pregnancy: a review

SUMMARY AIM: the present study analysed the association between Zika-virus and microcephaly during the gestational period of women in Brazil. Methodology: Systematic reviews of intervention research, current publications of clinical investigations were used systematic search strategies in three electro...

Hypertension bearers with high risk/big risk of cardiovascular diseases and socioeconomic and health indicators

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE To correlate the number of hypertensive patients with high and very high risk for cardiovascular diseases with socioeconomic and health indicators. METHODS An ecological study carried out from the National Registry of Hypertension and Diabetes (SisHiperDia). The variable "hypertensive...