Results: 449

Psychometric evaluation of a unified Portuguese-language version of the Body Shape Questionnaire in female university students

Abstract: The objectives of this study were to develop a unified Portuguese-language version, for use in Brazil and Portugal, of the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) and to estimate its validity, reliability, and internal consistency in Brazilian and Portuguese female university students. Confirmatory fact...

Saúde e escola: reflexões em torno da medicalização da educação

Resumo: É sabido que à escola chegam crianças e jovens com diferentes pontos de partida. O que não se sabe ao certo é até onde chegam essas crianças e jovens, e que percurso a escola lhes reserva, particularmente numa altura em que os profissionais de educação se veem divididos entre inúmeras t...

Self-perception of oral health in older adults from an urban population in Lisbon, Portugal

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze if the self-perception of oral health in the urban context is associated with sociodemographic factors that interfere in the life quality of oral health. METHODS Cross-sectional study with convenience sample of older individuals (65 years old or more) enrolled in the Agr...

The impact of migration on women's mental health in the postpartum period

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To assess the influence of I mmigration on the psychological health of women after childbirth. METHODS In this cross-sectional study, immigrant and Portuguese-native women delivering in the four public hospitals of the metropolitan area of Porto, Portugal, were contacted by telepho...

Portuguese version of the EUROPEP questionnaire: contributions to the psychometric validation

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To assess the construct validity and reliability of the Portuguese version of the European Task Force on Patient Evaluation of General Practice Care questionnaire. METHODS We applied the Portuguese version of the European Task Force on Patient Evaluation of General Practice Care to...

Risk factors for recurrent wheezing in infants: a case-control study

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the association between recurrent wheezing and atopy, the Asthma Predictive Index, exposure to risk factors, and total serum IgE levels as potential factors to predict recurrent wheezing. METHODS A case-control study with infants aged 6-24 months treated at a specialize...

Promoting adverse drug reaction reporting: comparison of different approaches

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe different approaches to promote adverse drug reaction reporting among health care professionals, determining their cost-effectiveness. METHODS We analyzed and compared several approaches taken by the Northern Pharmacovigilance Centre (Portugal) to promote adverse drug r...

Aging and health: Self-efficacy for Self-direction in Health Scale

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To validate the Escala de Autoeficácia para a Autodireção na Saúde (EAAS - Self-efficacy for Self-direction in Health Scale). METHODS Non-experimental quantitative study of EAAS validation, by confirmatory factorial analyses, evaluating a sample of 508 older adults from the nor...

Critérios sociais e éticos de priorização de pacientes: uma pesquisa a estudantes e profissionais de saúde em Portugal

Resumo O estudo quali-quantitativo explora o dilema ético da microalocação dos recursos da saúde. Objetiva identificar e comparar a opinião de dois grupos da sociedade portuguesa - estudantes e profissionais de saúde sobre a importância das características pessoais dos pacientes no momento de os ...

Emergência e institucionalização da sexologia em Portugal: processos, atores e especificidades

Resumo: Com base na teoria dos campos de Bourdieu, este artigo analisa a emergência e a institucionalização da sexologia enquanto ciência e profissão em Portugal, identificando instituições, atores e práticas profissionais, e discutindo as suas relações e especificidades. Começa por contextual...