Results: 4434

Educação física escolar em tempos de distanciamento social: panorama, desafios e enfrentamentos curriculares

O ano de 2020 trouxe a pandemia de Covid-19, atingindo o mundo. As medidas de contenção da propagação incluíram o distanciamento social, provocando, em meados de março de 2020, o fechamento das escolas, o que ocasionou o deslocamento de aulas presenciais para remotas. A partir disso, objetivamos co...

Diários de confinamento: a emergência do novo na intimidade da relação eu-outro-mundo

Psicol. soc. (Online); 32 (), 2020
Resumo Este trabalho discute e caracteriza as dinâmicas subjetivas e intersubjetivas das relações eu-outro(a)-mundo próprias à experiência íntima de confinamento domiciliar, a partir de diários textuais produzidos por três mulheres confinadas durante a pandemia. A partir da análise dialógica d...

Luto e não-violência em tempos de pandemia: precariedade, saúde mental e modos outros de viver

Psicol. soc. (Online); 32 (), 2020
Resumo Este trabalho visa propor uma reflexão sobre a importância da vivência coletiva dos processos de luto, interditados pela emergência da pandemia da Covid-19. Com base em ideias trazidas por intercessores que falam da carência de rituais na cultura contemporânea a partir de paradigmas tradicio...

Sequential serological surveys in the early stages of the coronavirus disease epidemic: limitations and perspectives

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Estimates of the number of individuals infected by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 are important for health planning and establishment of expectations regarding herd immunity. METHODS: Seven testing rounds of a serological survey were conducted at 1-week interval...

COVID-19: What we talk about when we talk about masks

Abstract Even though most current recommendations include the general use of masks to prevent community transmission of SARS-Cov-2, the effectiveness of this measure is still debated. The studies on this policy include physical filtering tests with inanimate microparticles, randomized clinical trials, ob...

Are SARS-CoV-2 reinfection and Covid-19 recurrence possible? a case report from Brazil

Abstract With the large number of individuals infected and recovered from Covid-19, there is intense discussion about the quality and duration of the immunity elicited by SARS-CoV-2 infection, including the possibility of disease recurrence. Here we report a case with strong clinical, epidemiological and...

Increasing Demand for Chest CT Due to COVID-19 in Brazil

Fatores sociodemográficos e emocionais associados à tolerância nas relações de amizade na pandemia pela covid-19
Sociodemographic and emotional factors associated with tolerance in friendship relationships in the covid-19 pandemic

Rev. enferm. UFSM; 10 (), 2020
Objetivo: analisar a associação dos fatores sociodemográficos e emocionais ao nível de tolerância nas relações de amizade na pandemia pela covid-19. Método: trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado com 5291 indivíduos das cinco macrorregiões brasileiras de junho a julho de 2020. Aplicaram-se...

Economic Impact of New Biosafety Recommendations for Dental Clinical Practice During COVID-19 Pandemic

Abstract COVID-19 pandemic implied new biosafety recommendations to avoid dissemination of SARS-CoV-2 virus within healthcare centers. Changes on recommended personal protective equipment (PPE), decontamination protocols and organization of patient demand resulted may result in cost variation. Based on t...

Getting to Know SARS-CoV-2: Towards a Better Understanding of the Factors Influencing Transmission

Abstract In November 2002, a virus known as SARS-CoV was identified in Guangdong, China, and it was implicated as the etiology of severe acute respiratory syndrome. Seventeen years later, in the same month of November, a similar disease with more dramatic outcomes was identified in neighboring Wuhan. It ...