Results: 4434

Population-based seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 and the herd immunity threshold in Maranhão

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To estimate the seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. METHODS: A population-based household survey was performed, from July 27, 2020 to August 8, 2020. The estimates considered clustering, stratification and non-response. Qualitative detection of IgM and Ig...

Impacto psicossocial do isolamento durante pandemia de covid-19 na população brasileira: análise transversal preliminar

Saúde Soc; 29 (4), 2020
Resumo Este artigo trata de uma pesquisa quantitativa, descritiva e analítica da população brasileira em isolamento social (IS) durante pandemia do novo coronavírus, com o objetivo de identificar preditores de estresse psicossocial com dados recolhidos por questionário on-line nas redes sociais em a...

O cuidado no atendimento às crianças no consultório odontológico frente à pandemia da COVID-19

Arq. odontol; 56 (), 2020
Objetivo: O presente trabalho visa orientar o odontólogo sobre as novas regras de uso de EPIs, normas de biossegurança, técnicas odontológicas utilizadas no atendimento da criança, para que possamos realizar os procedimentos odontológicos com segurança antes, durante e após a pandemia...

Salud pública y pruebas diagnósticas del COVID-19: caso Venezuela
Public health and diagnostics tests for SARS-COVID-2 infection: The venezuela case

Med. interna (Caracas); 36 (4), 2020
La salud pública mundial presenta en la actualidad un reto de grandes dimensiones para realizar las funciones esenciales del Siglo XXI, “el diagnóstico temprano y el tratamiento preventivo de las enfermedades”; por lo tanto la OMS considera que para conocer la magnitud de la epidemia COVID-19 es b...

Covid-19 and its impact on immunization programs: reflections from Brazil

ABSTRACT Due to social distancing guidelines and the displacement of both human and material resources to fight the covid-19 pandemic, individuals seeking healthcare services face certain challenges. Immunization programs have already been a worrisome topic for health authorities due to declines in vacci...

Pandemic and vaccine coverage: challenges of returning to schools

ABSTRACT Since March 2020, Brazil has faced the pandemic of the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), which has severely modified the way in which the population lives and uses health services. As such, face-to-face attendance has dropped dramatically, even for child vaccination, due to measures of social...

Covid-19 telescreening in SUS users with risk conditions: case report

ABSTRACT This case report aims to describe the conception and preliminary data of the implementation of a telescreening and telemonitoring program of covid-19 for users of the Unified Health System with risk conditions. A system of telerscreening was implemented through which undergraduate students in th...

Terapias biológicas en tiempos de COVID-19

Rev. chil. reumatol; 36 (1), 2020
La infección por el virus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ha planteado importantes de-safíos para pacientes con enfermedades reumatológicas autoinmunes en tratamiento con agentes biológicos. Actualmente no hay evidencia contundente sobre cómo esta terapia afecta el riesgo de adquirir esta infección o su evol...