Results: 58

Herramienta de evaluación del paciente con dolor posoperatorio
Evaluation tool for patients with postoperative pain

Introducción: El dolor es una experiencia sensorial y emocional desagradable asociada con daño hístico. Objetivo: Evaluar una herramienta para la valoración del dolor posoperatorio en pacientes con intervenciones quirúrgicas electivas. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación de innovación tecnoló...

De la subjetividad del dolor a una evaluación multidimensional de enfermería
From the subjectivity of pain to a multidimensional nursing assessment

Dolor; 28 (69), 2018
Parte del rol de enfermería en cuidados paliativos es cuidar, identificando las necesidades de la unidad de tratamiento (el paciente y la familia). Es decir, evaluar exhaustivamente, explorando no solo aspectos físicos sino también las esferas culturales, sociales y emocionales que muchas veces interf...

Avaliação da dor de vítimas de traumatismo craniencefálico pela versão brasileira da Behavioral Pain Scale

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a validade e a confiabilidade da versão brasileira da Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS-Br) em vítimas de traumatismo craniencefálico. Métodos: Estudo observacional, prospectivo, de medidas repetidas e pareadas, realizado em duas unidades de terapia intensiva (clínica e cirúrgic...

Predicting intraoperative pain in emergency endodontic patients: clinical study

Abstract This prospective observational study sought to investigate the incidence of intraoperative pain (IOP) among emergency endodontic patients and to construct an IOP prediction model that includes preoperative pain level (PPL). All patients who underwent emergency endodontic treatment at Gazi Univer...

Pobre efecto de los opioides para el tratamiento de la lumbalgia
Poor effect of opioids to treat low back pain

Neurosensory analysis of tooth sensitivity during at-home dental bleaching: a randomized clinical trial

J. appl. oral sci; 26 (), 2018
Abstract Objective The objective of this study was to evaluate dental sensitivity using visual analogue scale, a Computerized Visual Analogue Scale (CoVAS) and a neurosensory analyzer (TSA II) during at-home bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide, with and without potassium oxalate. Materials and Method...

Assistance flowchart for pain management in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online); 71 (supl.3), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To describe and discuss the process of developing a flowchart collectively constructed by the health team of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for the management of neonatal pain. Method: This is a descriptive and an exploratory study with a qualitative approach that used Problem-Based...

Bloqueo del nervio femoral con estimulador de nervio periférico en la artroscopia de rodilla
Femoral nerve block with peripheral nerve stimulator in knee arthroscopy

Introducción: el bloqueo del nervio femoral es una de las técnicas básicas del bloqueo nervioso. Objetivo: describir los resultados del bloqueo del nervio femoral con estimulador de nervio periférico en pacientes intervenidos de artroscopia de rodilla. Método: estudio observacional, descriptivo, pro...

Non-pharmacological measures in preterm newborns submitted to arterial puncture

ABSTRACT Objective: to assess pain in preterm newborns and to compare the neonatal and therapeutic variables with the total scores of the Neonatal Facial Coding System of preterm newborns submitted to arterial puncture exposed to music and 25% oral glucose. Method: a comparative study with 48 recording...

Pain and distress outcomes in infants and children: a systematic review

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 50 (7), 2017
The aim of the present study was to systematically review the recent literature about pain and distress outcomes in children and critically analyze the methodological quality of the reports. The systematic review was based on the PRISMA statement and performed by selecting articles that are indexed in sc...